Understanding additives, their types, and their effects on health

Packaged foods or fast food are generally added with additives to preserve and enhance their taste. The rules of use and dosage of this substance are regulated by the Food and Drug Supervision Agency (BPOM) so that it is safe for consumption by consumers.

Unfortunately, the substances found in this food can cause problems such as dependence or addiction, such as the caffeine found in coffee drinks. If the substance comes from natural plants, it is safer for the body because it is a source of nutrition.

Unnatural substances such as artificial sweeteners and salt preservatives are more dangerous to the body because they are made of chemicals. Below are several types of food additives and their effects on the body so that you can be more careful when consuming them.

Learn what add-ons mean

Understanding additives, their types, and their effects on health 2

Additives are ingredients added to food to improve the safety, durability, freshness, taste, texture, appearance and maintain the durability of the food. These materials generally come from natural or synthetic ingredients (chemicals).

In Indonesia, this additive is called BTP or food additive whose use must be supervised by BPOM. The goal is for the doses of substances used to be consistent with standards and not to harm the consumer’s body.

These regulations are stated in Law No. 11 of 2019 which states that these additions include manufacturing, processing, processing, preparation, product packaging, deflection, packaging and transportation.

Therefore, every step or process of preparing food until transporting it is regulated by law. Although other substances are added, the food remains safe and beneficial for health as long as it is consumed in reasonable quantities.

Types of food additives

Understanding additives, their types, and their effects on health 3

In use, food additives are divided into several types, each of which has its own function. Here is a summary of the different types of food additives you should know about.

1. Food sweetening agent

The use of sweeteners is to add a sweet taste to foods made from natural or artificial ingredients. Natural sweeteners commonly used in food include fructose from corn syrup, tomatine, sorbitol, steviol, xylitol and erythritol.

These natural sweeteners are better than artificial sweeteners because they are not chemically processed and are safe to consume at any time. Examples of artificial sweeteners often found in food include aspartame, cyclamic acid, sucralose, and neotame.

The side effects of this sweetener can certainly cause diabetes, so they should be minimized to avoid this health problem. Only eat sweet foods in moderation and do not overdo it.

2. Preservatives

Preservatives are additives intended to extend the shelf life of food so that it can be used for a longer time. Apart from that, it is also useful for preventing and inhibiting fermentation, decomposition, acidification and food spoilage due to small microorganisms.

In general, these preservatives are chemicals such as sodium nitrite, sodium sulfite, benzoic acid, nitrates, sodium nitrate and propionic acid. Consuming too many foods that contain preservatives is definitely not good for the body due to its sodium content.

Excess sodium levels in the body can lead to high blood pressure and the risk of serious diseases such as heart disease and stroke.

3. Food flavor enhancers

Food flavor enhancing additives are additional ingredients used to strengthen and increase the taste or aroma of food so that it is more appetizing. Whether it’s packaged food or food you make yourself, you often use this ingredient to create a better taste.

The most well-known flavor-enhancing ingredient is MSG (monosodium glutamate) and is often found in snacks, flavoring ingredients, and many more. Controversy often arises over the association of this ingredient with the health problem of Chinese Restaurant Syndrome.

This disease begins with symptoms of nausea and shortness of breath shortly after eating foods containing very high levels of monosodium glutamate. According to standards, this flavor enhancer can only be consumed in a dose ranging from 0 to 120 mg/kg body weight.

4. Food coloring materials

Coloring materials are useful in providing color so that food looks tastier, more vibrant and attractive. Natural colorants commonly used in food are curcumin, riboflavin, chlorophyll, caramel coloring, beta-carotene, beetroot, anthocyanins and tomato lycopene.

Consuming the above-mentioned natural dyes is of course very beneficial for your health because they contain vitamins and come from plants. Unfortunately, the color produced by these dyes is not very strong compared to synthetic dyes.

Examples of artificial colorings often added to food include tartrazine, carmoisine, Ponceau 4R, Alola Red, Diamond Blue, and ertyrosine. In normal amounts, this pigment is still safe for health, but if it is in excess, it can definitely cause disease in the body.

5. Emulsifying agent

Emulsifiers are food additives that help mix food ingredients together, for example water and oil. Emulsifiers that are often used are calcium carbonate, sodium lactate, calcium lactate, calcium alginate, agar, gelatin, and many others.

Without an emulsifier, the processed food would be difficult to mix and would take a long time. In this way, many food manufacturers add this ingredient so that the food is prepared faster.

6. Antioxidants

Aside from the additives mentioned above, there are also antioxidant compounds that are intentionally added and aim to prevent food spoilage due to the oxidation process. The antioxidants most often found are BHA (butylated hydroxyl anisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxyltoluene).

Both of these ingredients are synthetic substances that of course have side effects on the body. Therefore, you need to know the minimum use of BHA and BHT that is safe for the body so that you can avoid side effects.

Then there is also the addition of propyl gallate, erythorbic acid, totopherol, and ascorbic acid. Preventing oxidation is also related to making food last longer and not spoil quickly due to oxidation from the external environment.

The effect of additives on health

In general, artificial additives are sure to have an impact on your health if consumed in large quantities. In order to understand this, here is a summary of the side effects of using food additives.

1. Side effects of sweeteners

The most well-known side effect of sweeteners is that they cause diabetes. Especially artificial sweeteners that do not contain a lot of glycerin. Aside from diabetes, artificial sweeteners can also cause cancer.

This is caused by cyclamate which is carcinogenic or causes cancer. Then it can also cause bladder infections and even cancer caused by saccharin. The sweetener aspartame, commonly found in beverages, can cause neurological diseases and brain tumors.

If consumed continuously, other artificial sweeteners will cause mutagenic or genetic abnormalities.

2. Side effects of food preservatives

A food preservative that has always shocked the culinary world is formaldehyde, because it is found in many wet pastas. This preservative is found not only in pasta, but also in fish and food ingredients that are stored for a long time.

Side effects of formalin are that it causes lung cancer, digestive disorders, damages nerves and causes heart disease. For this reason, before buying food, you should first check and confirm what it contains.

And it’s not just formalin. Another dangerous food additive is borax, which can cause symptoms of poisoning such as diarrhea, nausea, kidney damage, and liver damage. Similar to borax, the preservative natamycin makes the body feel nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite.

There is also potassium acetate, which harms the kidneys, and sulfur oxide, which causes gastritis and causes asthma, cancer, and allergies. Peru states that eating foods that contain dangerous preservatives can reduce the body’s immune system, making it easier to get sick.

3. Side effects of food flavor enhancers

Taste-enhancing additives, also known as flavor enhancers, can make your body vulnerable to disease. In general, the MSG content is what causes illness or side effects to the body.

Disorders caused by MSG include liver disorders, high blood pressure, trauma, high fever, stress, skin allergies, nausea, vomiting, headache, decreased brain function, and depression. For this reason, avoid as much as possible eating foods that are high in monosodium glutamate (MSG).

4. Side effects of food coloring materials

Basically, added food colorings do not have a significant impact on health, because all types of these ingredients are permitted by BPOM and the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Apart from that, the amount present in the food is not as much as other additives.

However, there are still food manufacturers who are unaware of the use of textile dyes in their products. This dye is toxic and can make the body vulnerable to serious diseases. An example is the pigment Rhodamine B, which is often found in red biscuits.

This substance can cause cancer and poison the lungs, throat and intestines. In high doses, you will get diarrhea, liver cancer, and even severe allergies. Rhodamine B can also lead to enlargement, enlargement, cancer, and thyroid disease.

Not only rhodamine B, tartrazine tincture can cause cancer and increase hyperactivity in growing children. The yellow pigment of sunset can cause damage to cells, specifically chromosomes.

Eating foods containing Ponceau 4R pigment can cause you to have anemia and high hemoglobin levels.

5. Side effects of antioxidants

Although antioxidants are known to be very beneficial components for the body, this is not the case with synthetic antioxidants. These ingredients are BHA and BHT, which if consumed in excess can damage the body’s chromosomes.

Especially for those with aspirin allergy, it is very dangerous to take BHA and BHT. Hence BHA can damage the liver and cause cancer if taken in excess if it does not match the dosage of BPOM.

The need for food additives cannot be avoided as it affects the business aspects of culinary entrepreneurs. The most commonly used additives are sweeteners, preservatives and flavor enhancers because they make food more attractive to eat.

If the consumption of these substances can be regulated and according to the dosage of BPOM, disease or side effects can be avoided. It is best to eat your processed foods without any artificial additives so that they are safe for your health.

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