The prayer of boarding a sea boat according to the Arabic and Latin Sunnah and its meaning

Prayer for boarding a boat – Traveling from one place to another is common for many people. In order for the trip to go safely and under the protection of God, it is recommended to recite supplications while riding in the car.

These prayers are divided into three types: sea, land and air prayers. Therefore, this prayer should be modified according to the type of car used during the trip.

This is the supplication for riding sea, land and air vehicles

As we mentioned, the car-riding prayer is divided into three parts. This includes prayers for sea, land and air transport, depending on the type of travel.

For a Muslim, it is best to memorize the prayer below or at least recite it when travelling. Especially if the trip is long.

Prayer readings for sea, land and air vehicles can be found below:

Supplication for boarding a boat

Sea travel by ship also has very scary risks. One common hazard is shipwreck or storm surge.

If this happened all passengers on board would be in great danger.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that before boarding the ship, you pray to God Almighty first, hoping for safety from Him.

Prayer readings when boarding a boat are as follows:

In the name of God, its course and its anchorage. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving, Merciful

In the name of God, its course and its origin are the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

this means :

“In the name of God, the ship sails and anchors. Indeed, my Lord is Forgiving and Merciful.”

Prayer for riding land vehicles

The next thing that Muslims should know is to pray when riding land vehicles such as cars, buses, trains, etc.

Although this practice is Sunnah, it was recommended by the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and it should be followed. Evidence of the servant’s love for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace.

Below is a short supplication for boarding land chariots:

Glory be to Him who has subjected this to us, and we would not be able to associate with it, and indeed to our Lord we will return.

Subhaanalladzi sakhkhara lana hadza wa maa kunna lahu muqriniin, wa innaa ilaa rabina lamunqalibuun.

this means :

“Glory be to God who made this vehicle available to us even though we were not able to control it before. “And to our Lord we shall return.”

A prayer for boarding the plane

The next thing that a Muslim must know when boarding a plane, such as boarding an airplane and the like. Of course, there is a very terrible risk if something untoward happens.

At the same time, as a Muslim, when you want to ask God for help, your weapon is prayer.

Therefore, if you want to travel by plane, it is recommended to recite a supplication as follows:

Oh God, make this journey of ours easy for us and be obedient to us after it. Oh God, you are the companion in the journey and the successor in the family.

We ask God for peace and relief, and may God bless us and forgive us.

this means :

“Oh God, make our travel easy and shorten the distance. “Oh God, you are the companion on the journey and the shepherd of the family.”

Some good Sunnahs that should be done when riding in a car

Aside from the advice to recite supplications when travelling, there are also many Sunnahs that can be followed when traveling by car.

Aside from offering rewards, following these Sunnahs can also increase the safety and comfort of travel.

The year that can be practiced

Among the Sunnahs that every Muslim can follow and practice on his journey are the following:

  • Say takbeer (Allahu akbar) when going up a slope, and say takbir (Glory be to God) when going down a steep slope.
  • Avoid carrying excess items that can weigh down the car and be dangerous.
  • Drive politely and civilized, and avoid speeding and dangerous reckless behavior.
  • Rest if you feel tired or sleepy, and don’t force yourself when you’re tired or sleep-deprived.
  • Say Alhamdulillah when you reach your destination.

Hadith on the desirability of prayer when riding in a car

The Prophet’s recommendation in the hadith is that when the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, was driving the car, he said “Allahu Akbar” three times, thanked God three times, and said “Allahu Akbar” once.

As the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said:

this means :

No Muslim drives his vehicle and does what I do unless God looks at him with a look of pleasure just as I look at you.

Etiquette when performing prayer while riding in the car

There are several etiquettes that must be followed when reading prayer while riding in a car, and this indicates that a Muslim cannot be separated from good morals.

Because although it seems simple, this etiquette is important so that God Almighty accepts prayer.

There are several etiquettes that must be observed when performing prayer while riding in a car:

  • Be in a holy state before reading the prayer. If not, it is better to perform ablution first.
  • Facing the Qiblah as in prayer.
  • Reciting the prayer with complete devotion and hope to God Almighty, with both hands raised or in a prayer position.
  • Humble yourself and face God with complete confidence.
  • We ask God for safety so that the journey is smooth and safe from interference.

The importance of reading supplications on sea, land and air vehicles

It is certain that all the practices recommended by the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, have tremendous benefits, whether in terms of goodness or in terms of reward.

Like the recommendation to read supplications while riding in the car, of course there are many benefits that every Muslim should know.

Here are some of these priorities:

  • Get the protection of God Almighty Reading prayers while riding in a car is a way to ask God for protection from all risks and dangers while traveling. This is a form of recognition that only God is able to protect His servants.
  • Gives peace of heart Reading this prayer gives peace of mind and reduces feelings of anxiety. Reading this prayer reminds us that God is always present at every step of the journey.
  • Avoid turbulence This prayer protects against different types of turbulence or problems in the journey. The trip will be smooth and safe, with God’s help.
  • Rewards Obtained Reading this prayer will bring great rewards to following the Sunnah of the Prophet. These rewards will double if we invite other people to read this prayer.
  • Praying while riding in the car is an important Sunnah and was recommended by the Prophet. Through prayer, we ask for protection and a smooth journey from God Almighty.

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