Supplication for the end of the year and the beginning of the Hijri year, Arabic, Latin and its meaning – The new Hijri year 1445 is coming soon. Learn about the supplications for the end of the year and the beginning of the Hijri year. It is known that the Hijri New Year will fall tomorrow, Wednesday, July 19, 2023.

In welcoming the Islamic New Year, Muslims are encouraged to recite prayers. The end-of-year prayer can be read before sunset on the 29th or 30th of Dhu al-Hijjah.

At the same time, the prayer for the beginning of the year can be read after sunset. Because the calculation of the Hijri year itself begins after sunset. This recommendation is even found in Surat Ghafir, verse 60, and its text is as follows.

“Call upon Me, I will surely give it to you.” “Those who are arrogant and do not want to worship Me will enter Hell humiliated.” (Q. Ghafir: 60).

By practicing prayers at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, we hope that you will receive forgiveness and blessings from God Almighty. But what are the prayer readings for the end of the year and the beginning of the Hijri year? Below is a full discussion in Arabic and Latin and its meaning.

Reading the end of the Hijri year prayer

In fact, there are many supplications that can be said to conclude the Hijri year 1444 AH. But you can read the following supplication found in the book Maslakul Al-Akhyaar. Below is the reading of the end-of-year prayer.

O God, what I have done in this year, what I have forbidden to me, and I did not repent from it and you have come to me with me With a time after my bid on your disobedience, I ask forgiveness for you, so forgive me And do not cut my hope from you, oh generous

Latin Arabic: By God, I did not do any work in Hadziah. I did what you forbade me to do, and I did not repent of it. You bore me with it by your grace after my power over my heels, and you called me Eilat, my blessed one after my transgressions against me. Your walks. I am tired, I am tired, I am in it, there is mimma tardha in it, I am at home with the tsawaba, I am in love with the tataqbala minni wa the taqtha’ raja’ is minka ya karîm.

Meaning: “Lord, I ask You for forgiveness for my actions that You forbade me this year – and I did not find time to repent – and for my actions that You forgave thanks to Your mercy – and You are able to torture me, and for my actions that You forgave me.” (The sin) that I was commanded to repent of, I rushed into it temporarily, which is what It means your disobedience.

My Lord, I hope that You will accept my work that You are pleased with this year, and my work that You promised to reward. Don’t lose my hope. O Lord, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

It was mentioned in the book Al-Jami’ Al-Kabir

Aside from the prayers mentioned in Maslakul Al-Akhyaar, there are also answered prayers that can be performed at the end of the Islamic year. One of them is in the book Al-Jami’ Al-Kabir.

Oh God, you are the eternal, the first, and for your great grace and the generosity of your reliable goodness. And this new year has arrived. I ask you for protection from Satan and his cronies, and to help this soul that is tempted to do evil, and to work with what will bring me closer to you Possessor of majesty and honor, may God’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and his family and companions.

Allahumma anta al abadiyyul qadīm al awwal, wa ‘alā fadhlika al-‘azhīmi wujūdika al-mu’awwal. Wa hādzā ‘āmun jadīdun qad aqbala. Nas’alukal ‘ishmata fīhi min asy-syaithāni wa auliyāihī wa junūdihī. Wal’auna ‘alā hādzhi al nafsil amāarati bis syūi, wal-isytighāla bimā yuqarribunī ilaika zulfa. Yā dzal jalāli wal-ikrām, wa shallallāhu ‘alā sayyidinā Muhammadin wa ‘alā ‘ālihi wa shahbihī wa sallam

this means; “O God, You are the ancient, the first, the early. And I hope for the abundance of your great grace and mercy, which are worthy of placing my hope on it. The new year has come.”

“I ask you for protection from Satan and his followers, and for help for those who commit evil. I am trying to get closer to you, O Great One, O Most Merciful. May God’s blessings be upon our master, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and companions. Amen.”

Based on the narration of Imam Bukhari

In addition, there are also recitations of end-of-Islamic year supplications that come from the history of Imam Bukhari. By reading this dua, we hope that God Almighty will forgive all the prayers offered. Here is his prayer.

My Lord, forgive me my sins, my ignorance, and my extravagance in all my affairs, and that which You know better than me You are with me, O God, forgive me for what I have put forward and what I have delayed and what I have concealed and what I have announced. You are the advance and you are the latter and you are capable of all things.

Rabbi, forgive me my sin, my ignorance, my extravagance, and my entire affairs, and what you did not know about me. May God forgive me for my transgressions, Amdi, Hazli, and both of Dzalika Indi. May God forgive me for my past and for what I have come after, and for what you have not done. He is the advancer, He is the changer, and He is capable of everything.

this means; “O God, forgive me my sin, my stupidity, and my excessive actions, and forgive me my sin, which You know better than me. “O God, forgive me my sin, my laziness, my intentionality, my stupidity, and my laughter, all of which is within me.”

“O God, forgive me for my previous sins, and for my future sins, and the sins that I concealed, and the sins that I declared, and the sins that You know better than me. You are the one who began and you are the one who finished, and you are capable of all things.”

A supplication for the beginning of the new Hijri year 1445 AH

Apart from the end-of-year prayers, you can also welcome the Islamic New Year 1445 AH by reciting supplications. Don’t worry, prayer is not difficult. Moreover, this article also provides complete information from Arabic and Latin to the meaning. So you can choose to read according to what you want.

Read it three times starting after sunset on July 18, 2023. You can continue reading this supplication with other positive activities, such as reading the Qur’an, giving alms, or others. Below is the reading of the supplication for the beginning of the Hijri year.

O God, You are the eternal, the eternal, the first, and for Your great grace and Your generous and sustaining goodness, and this is a new year that has arrived, I ask You for protection from it Satan and his cronies, and help against this soul that is tempted to do evil, and busy myself with what will bring me closer to You, O Possessor of Majesty and Honor.

Latin Arabic: Allahumma antal abadiyyul qadîmul awwal. Wa ‘ala fadhlikal ‘azhimi wa karimi judikal mu’awwal. Hadza ‘amun jadidun qad aqbal. As’alukal’ishmata fihi minas syaithani wa auliya’ih, wal’auna’ala hadzihin nafsil ammarati bis su’i, wal isytighala bima yuqarribuni ilaika zulfa, ya dzal jalali wal ikram.

It means: “My God, You are the Ancient and the Coming and the Beginning. With your great grace and generous mercy, you are the door of hope. This new year has arrived.”

“I seek refuge in You from the instigations of Satan and his cronies this year. I also hope to help you overcome the desires that often drive me to commit evil deeds. To You I ask for guidance so that my daily activities may bring me closer to Your grace. O Possessor of majesty and honor.”

Priority of reading the end-of-year prayer

There are various advantages to reciting the end-of-the-year and beginning of the Hijri year prayers to welcome the Hijri New Year. Summarized from various sources, end-of-year prayers can provide various benefits, such as:

  • Protected from demonic temptation
  • – Asking for forgiveness for mistakes committed
  • Asking for safety in this world and the hereafter

The last word

In welcoming the Islamic New Year, Muslims are encouraged to recite end-of-year and beginning-of-year supplications. This is to protect yourself from all temptations to commit indecency and the like.

Apart from that, by practicing this prayer, you can reflect on the actions you have taken throughout the year to develop into a better person. We hope it is useful and enjoy practicing the Sunnah!

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