How to transfer Indosat share via SMS, MyIM3 to another operator

Internet share is now one of the things that most people need. Whether you are young or old, Internet share is an important thing in life. So, for those who are using Indosat Internet Share and want to know how to do it How to transfer Indosat sharejust look at this discussion.

The reason is in the article This time we will explain several ways through which you can transfer your Indosat stake to another operator or operator. I’m really curious and want to know first hand, of course. If so, simply jump directly to the information below.

Conditions that must be met to transfer Indosat’s share

As we said above, nowadays the Internet has become the most needed thing. The reason is that with the Internet, we will later be able to explore and discover different types of information. So, to use the Internet, you of course have to use your data quota.

This data quota can later be obtained from different providers. There are also many service providers available in Indonesia. Ranging from cheap providers to slightly expensive ones, there are some of them. However, this time we will only offer a discussion about only one provider, which is Indosat.

Indosat is one of the providers that will provide users with reasonable share prices. Therefore, later for those who want to use this Internet quota, users will not face any difficulties or objections. With this Indosat stake, users will get an ultra-smooth network.

Since this network is already everywhere, it will not be difficult to find the network. When using Indosat, there will be one thing that many people will want to know, which is… How to transfer Indosat share. It is indeed possible for this quota transfer to take place.

However, if you want to make a conversion, you must first know and pay attention to several necessary conditions. The required conditions can be seen directly in the discussion below.

The number you want to send credit to has been officially registered

For those who want to send quota or transfer internet quota, users will later be able to send it directly to the number that has been officially registered. Yes, of course the phone number we use must be registered first so that it can be used later.

To register a mobile phone number, you’ll usually need several things. So, if you don’t register later, you won’t be able to use the number. Therefore, you must first register the number so that it can be used for access, from sending to receiving Internet quota.

Quota payments are made using principal credit

If you want to send a share, the user still has to get credit. Many may be confused and wondering why a balance is necessary even though what will be sent later is a share. For this reason, read the explanation first.

It is true that what will be sent is the stake, but to buy or transfer the stake you want to send, you must use the balance. However, you should also know and understand that only the credit that can be used in the future is the principal credit.

Therefore, even if your mobile phone later has additional credit, a gift or something else, it will not be possible to use it to pay or purchase. Therefore, pay attention to whether the balance you have is enough to buy the balance you want to transfer or not, and then make the transfer.

Use a number that is still active for both sender and recipient

When you want to send a share to someone else’s number, apart from paying attention to registering the number, of course the user should also pay attention to whether the current number he wants to send to is still active. Because if it is not activated later, the sent stake will not be entered or cannot be used.

Aside from the number you want to send, you should also pay attention to the number you want to send. If it is not activated later, the process will of course not be able to run. So, pay attention and really pay attention to the number you want to use and what you want to send.

These are some provisions you should know when you want to send a share. So, if you have fulfilled all that, you can make the transfer instantly. Just look at the discussion below.

A range of methods for transferring an Indosat share Available easily and quickly

Now that you understand all the above-mentioned share transfer requirements, you can now figure it out right away How to transfer Indosat share Which can be done easily. Of course, the transportation that can be done is not just one way.

However, later readers will be able to find several ways to implement this transfer. From making a transfer using the app to using dial-up on your mobile phone.

Apart from this, later users will be able to make transfers to other operators as well. So, in order to know it easily, go directly to the discussion below. We will explain several methods very clearly and in detail. Do not miss any of the steps as it will later result in the process not being successful.

How to transfer your Indosat share via MyIM3

In the first method that will transfer, users will be able to make transfers using the official application from Indosat, which is MyIM3. MyIM3 is an application that can be used to do different things related to the Indosat provider.

For example, users will be able to buy internet quota, buy credit and get interesting information through this application. So, in MyIM3 app, users will be able to transfer stake anywhere, anytime.

Although it is very easy to make the transfer, users will still face difficulties and feel confused because it is the first time they are doing it. If so, you can jump right into the discussion and steps to transfer the stake using MyIM3.

  1. Download and install the application MyIM3 On the device using Google Play Store and App Store.
  2. If done, open the app first MyIM3 Which is already installed on the device.
  3. On the home page of the app, users can just click Internet packages available.
  4. Then choose it immediately Buy it.
  5. Later you will get many options for internet packages offered.
  6. He chooses Internet packages Which you want to use to transfer to the intended person.
  7. If so, select the menu gift.
  8. You can just write it right away phone number The person who wants to transfer the share.
  9. If the number is correct, you can choose immediately Method of payment or payment that you desire.
  10. Complete the payment by following the instructions.
  11. Wait until the notification is sent to the user via SMS and the stake is transferred.

Tutorial on transferring Indosat share to Telkomsel or other operators

If Indosat users really want to send their stakes to other providers, this can be done later. Yes, users will later be able to send quotas to Telkomsel, XL, Tri and other providers. The point is that you can also transfer to providers other than Indosat.

Of course, there are still many people who do not know how to make this conversion. If so, below we provide important information regarding the steps to transfer the stake to another provider.

So, so that you don’t feel confused anymore, just listen and follow the steps below. Below are the steps to transfer your Indosat share to another service provider.

  1. Can click directly Phone list inside the device.
  2. Then, you can just click and type the number *123#.
  3. Then the user clicks communicate Who is on that page.
  4. Wait a moment and the options will appear immediately. You can press the number 2.
  5. You can choose any one Internet packages What you need and want to transfer.
  6. Then, just click on the menu directly gift.
  7. Make a selection Method of payment or payment What the user wants.
  8. Write it down Recipient number Well and correctly.
  9. If correct, click Sends.
  10. I finish.

How to transfer Indosat share to friends via dial-up

Aside from being able to use an app, users will later be able to make transfers using dial-up. Yes, transferring a stake using this method will be almost the same as sending it to other operators. However, if you don’t know the steps you will feel confused.

That’s why, so you don’t feel confused about making this transition, you can listen right away and see what steps you can take. For this reason, you can immediately see several methods below.

  1. activation cell phone The user you want to use.
  2. After that, go straight inside Dial menu stipulated therein.
  3. In it you can just write the number *123#.
  4. If so, the user clicks Phone code or communicate Introduction on the page.
  5. Later, users will automatically be given several options for transfers.
  6. To continue the process just type the numbers 2.
  7. Directly choose how much Nominal quota that you want to send to the intended person.
  8. You can just press the menu gift Which is the choice.
  9. Then write it down Destination number To the place where it was prepared.
  10. After that, you can click right away Sends.
  11. I finish.

How to transfer Indosat share via SMS

Not only can you use the above methods, users will also be able to make transfers using SMS. Yes, actually these SMS can be easily used for transfers. For those who don’t know or understand how to do it, you can just watch it How to transfer Indosat share Via SMS below quickly.

  1. On mobile, open it directly Message list Grant.
  2. Then click on the menu Create a new message.
  3. Type the destination number, ie 363.
  4. Write a message immediately in the following format gift <مسافة> Destination number <مسافة> Additional name <مسافة> for the specified package.
  5. When you’re done, just click Sends.
  6. I finish,

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