Examples of short explanatory texts on various topics and their structure

Explaining an event or phenomenon in detail requires more in-depth knowledge. This is intended to ensure that the message conveyed can be easily received and understood by the reader. Naturally, many people are searching for it now Example of explanatory text.

An explanatory text itself aims to explain an event, whether a natural phenomenon or another social event. So, for Hajjaat visitors who want to know more, follow the discussion this time regarding examples of exegetical texts and their structure. Here’s the info!

Understanding explanatory text

Examples of short explanatory texts on various topics and their structure 2

An explanatory text is a type of text that aims to explain a phenomenon, process, or concept in detail and clearly. The main goal of expository text is to give readers a deeper understanding of how something works, why it happens, or how it relates to other things.

Examples of explanatory text often describe steps or stages of a process. Present facts and use illustrations or examples to illustrate the explanation given. This will give a separate message to readers of the text.

Apart from this, explanatory texts can be found in various forms, such as scientific articles, textbooks, guides, articles in education-focused media, and explanations on particular topics. Explanatory text also helps readers understand concepts that may be complex.

In expository texts, using clear, direct language is very important so that readers can follow the explanation well. So that the message or content in the explanatory text is easily accepted by readers. In this way, the reader can know the direction of the explanatory text.

This can be done by following the structure when creating an explanatory text example. Therefore, there are several structures that must be applied when writing this explanatory text. Come on, let’s take a look at the information below:

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Structure of explanatory text

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The explanatory text has a structure consisting of several parts that help convey the explanations systematically and clearly to the reader. The following is a further explanation of the structure of explanatory text:

1 Introduction

The introduction is used in an explanatory text to introduce the topic that will be explained. This section may contain a brief introduction to the phenomenon, process, or concept to be explained. The introduction can also contain reasons why the topic is important or relevant to the reader.

2. Main explanation

This section is the core of the explanatory text. Here, a detailed explanation of the phenomenon, process or concept that is the main focus of the text will be described.

The main interpretation is often divided into several interconnected steps or stages. Each step will be explained in detail and logically, so that readers can follow the development of the concept or process well.

3. Example or illustration

In this section, concrete examples or illustrations are used to illustrate the explanation given previously. These examples can be real situations, comparisons, or similes that help readers understand more abstract concepts.

Using examples of explanatory text or illustrations can help readers see how to apply explanations in everyday life.

4. Conclusion

The last part of the explanatory text is the conclusion. Here we can summarize the important points from the explanation that was given again. Conclusions can also be used to provide a comprehensive view of the topic being explained and link it to a wider context.

It is important to remember that the language used in expository text should be clear, direct, and easy for readers to understand. An organized structure helps readers follow the explanation well, so that the communication goal of understanding a concept or process can be achieved effectively.

Examples of explanatory texts on different topics

Below, hajijatim.id has prepared several examples of explanatory texts from different topics that can be used as references in writing explanatory texts:

1. Example of explanatory text: The process of photosynthesis in green plants

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Photosynthesis is a vital process that occurs in green plants, where sunlight is converted into chemical energy that plants can use to grow and develop. This process involves several important steps that occur inside the cells of plant leaves.

First, sunlight is received by the green pigment known as chlorophyll, which is found in the chloroplasts of plant cells. This sunlight is then absorbed and used to activate chemical reactions.

The second step involves capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air through stomata on the leaves. This carbon dioxide will be transported to the plant cells and enter the chemical reaction process.

The third process occurs in the dark part of photosynthesis, which is called the Calvin cycle. In this cycle, the captured carbon dioxide molecules will be converted into sugar through a series of chemical reactions. Energy from sunlight stored in the form of ATP molecules is also used at this stage to drive the chemical reaction.

The end result of photosynthesis is the production of glucose (sugar) and oxygen. Plants can use this glucose as an energy source for growth and development. At the same time, oxygen is released into the air as a byproduct of this process.

Aside from providing nutrients to the plants themselves, the results of photosynthesis have a significant impact on the ecosystem as a whole. The oxygen produced by photosynthesis is used by animals and humans for respiration, while the carbon dioxide released by animals is used by plants for photosynthesis.

2. Example of explanatory text: Operation Rain

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Rain is a very common natural phenomenon in different parts of the world. But do you know how rain happens? This process involves several important steps that occur in the Earth’s atmosphere.

First of all, the Sun emits energy in the form of sunlight to the Earth. The Earth’s surface receives most of this sunlight and causes the temperature to rise. This heating causes water to evaporate from the surface of oceans, rivers, and land into water vapor.

The rising water vapor then cools due to heating when it reaches the higher, cooler layers of the atmosphere. The cooled water vapor will turn back into small water droplets called dew. These small particles then combine to form clouds.

Clouds are made up of many very small water droplets and other particles floating in the atmosphere. As clouds become denser and heavier, water droplets in the cloud collide with each other and combine to form larger droplets.

When these water droplets are large and heavy enough, gravity will work, and the water droplets will fall to the ground as rain. The process of these water droplets falling is called precipitation. Rain falling from clouds returns water to the Earth’s surface and hydrates plants, animals and other natural resources.

The process of rain is an example of how the water cycle works in nature. Water evaporates from the surface, rises into the atmosphere to form clouds, and then falls as rain. This phenomenon is not only important for life on Earth, but also plays an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem and water cycle on our planet.

By understanding the process by which rain occurs, we can better appreciate the complexity of nature’s interconnectedness and how each element of the Earth’s ecosystem affects each other.

3. Example of explanatory text for a total solar eclipse

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A total solar eclipse is an amazing and rare natural phenomenon. This phenomenon occurs when the moon is between the sun and the earth, resulting in the moon’s shadow completely covering the sun. This process includes several stages that are interesting to understand.

The first stage of a total solar eclipse is a partial eclipse. At this time, the moon begins to move to cover a small part of the sun’s surface. Although the visible surface of the sun is still very large, this closing effect can be clearly seen if you use special tools such as special sunglasses.

The next stage is the total eclipse. At this stage, the moon has completely covered the sun. The sky that was usually brightly lit would become as dark as night, with only very faint sunlight visible from the edge of the sun covered by the moon. This phenomenon creates a very unique atmosphere around where the eclipse occurs.

The total solar eclipse lasts for only a few minutes, then the moon begins to move away from the sun. This process occurs due to the relative motion between the Earth, the Sun and the Moon. After the total eclipse ends, we return to the partial eclipse stage until the sun becomes completely visible without interference from the moon’s shadow.

The phenomenon of a total solar eclipse amazes many people because of its beauty and uniqueness. Apart from this, a total solar eclipse also provides an opportunity for scientists to make in-depth research and observations about the solar atmosphere and the effects that occur during the eclipse.

By understanding the process of a total solar eclipse, we can better appreciate the wonders of nature and the complexity of the movement of celestial bodies in our solar system. The total solar eclipse is an example of how amazing the universe we live in is.

4. An example of an explanatory text about air pollution and its effects

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Air pollution is a serious problem faced by many cities around the world. Air pollution occurs when the air we breathe is contaminated with various chemicals and dangerous particles. This phenomenon has harmful effects on human health, the environment and the climate.

Air pollution can be caused by various factors, including human activities and nature. Some of the main causes of air pollution include: Automotive emissions: Exhaust gases from cars contain substances such as carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and small particles.

Vehicles operating on highways contribute most of the air pollution in urban areas. Industry and factories: The process of producing and burning fossil fuels in factories and industries releases dangerous gases such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) into the air.

Biomass burning: Burning firewood, charcoal, and waste on a household or community scale produces smoke and particles that can pollute the air. Mitigation Efforts To reduce air pollution, steps must be taken by society, government and industry.

This includes using environmentally friendly means of transport: using public transport, cycling or walking can reduce car exhaust emissions.

So, this is an example expository text review, with explanation and structure. We hope this is helpful and adds to our vision.

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