Definition, structure, characteristics, objectives, types and examples

When you are ordered to explain the meaning of a procedural text, what answer will you give? In fact, the answer is quite easy considering that the word action itself is very close to everyday life.

For example, when you buy instant noodles, on the back of the package there are instructions and how to cook them. Well, this includes an example of action text. For brevity, this procedure is usually given to guide someone who is not yet able to do something.

At this point, can you roughly understand what the actual action script is? If not, there is no problem because you can get the answer with a brief explanation about the meaning of action text and the following examples. Come on, let’s take a look.

General understanding

Definition, structure, characteristics, objectives, types and examples 2

In general, action text is a type of text that is commonly used when explaining the process of making something conveyed in a coherent way. In another sentence, it was stated that the procedural text is evidence of doing something.

Therefore, this text will have sequential steps in making something from beginning to end. This text usually also contains command words or imperative words so that readers can follow what is stated in the text.

If you want a more complete explanation, the definition of action text is text that contains methods, steps, or stages to complete a task or make something so that the reader can properly achieve the goal.

Understand procedural texts according to experts

Definition, structure, characteristics, objectives, types and examples 3

Aside from the general understanding, there is also an understanding according to a number of experts. Several experts also provided clarifications on this procedural text as follows:

  • According to Kosasi, a procedure text is a text whose contents provide a clear, complete and detailed explanation of the steps of how to do something.
  • According to Kirab, a procedural script is a series of steps or actions to produce or create something
  • According to Knapp and Watkins, the definition of a procedural text is a text that aims to tell people how to do something using persuasive or inviting language.

The definition of the procedure text according to the three experts above indicates the same purpose, which is that the procedure text is a text whose contents are the steps to complete an action or make something.

The purpose and content of the action text

Procedural text writing is mainly intended to give instructions to readers on the steps to do something in massage. In addition, this text also aims to make it easier for the reader to know the right way to do something.

As for the content of procedural texts, we have touched on this matter a lot, especially in the sense that was explained previously, but if it is necessary to repeat again, the content of this text consists of goals that clarify the final results. This will be achieved through the steps that will be described. .

Then there is the material that contains information about the tools and materials needed to make the object in question. Finally, there are steps or procedures that readers must follow from start to finish to get the desired results.

Not only does it contain these points, but there are many authors who supplement their procedural texts by providing explanations and tips so that the process of making something goes more smoothly. To make it easier to understand the instructions in this text are usually accompanied by illustrations or photographs.

Types of procedural texts

Although it seems simple, it turns out that this text consists of 3 types in terms of the purpose or content of the text. Therefore, a procedural text is not only about making something, it can also explain other actions outside of making something.

So what are the types of procedural texts? The answer is below.

1. Complex procedure text

Definition of a complex procedure text is one in which there are many steps that are very complex in nature. It is possible for one step and another to be executed in parallel and some to be executed sequentially.

This script also usually requires more materials, tools, and time than a simple action script. In this text, you will probably find later that there are sub-stages before moving on to the next step. Examples like this.

‘Prepare the rissole peel paste using the following steps:

  • Add the milk, butter, 2 eggs, pepper, salt, cornstarch and wheat flour
  • Stir all the ingredients until combined, then add water until the ingredients turn into a dough
  • Strain the whipped mixture until no lumps of flour remain in it
  • Pour the mixture onto the hot Teflon. Use low heat for cooking and you can use a ladle to pour the mixture
  • Cook the mixture until half cooked

Next, prepare a slice of the previously prepared rissole skin and add the grated cheese, mayonnaise, egg slices and sausage. If so, the rissole can be rolled up.

2. Simple action text

If the action script is simple, it is a script that only consists of a few steps and if you pay attention, the process is very easy to follow and put into practice. In this type of procedure script, the tools and materials required are not very many, nor are the steps.

Usually, in only 2 to 3 stages, the procedural script is completed. Although simple, the sequence of steps in this simple procedural text cannot be reversed. Examples in this case are how to operate a laptop, how to use a flash disk, how to make fried rice, etc.

3. The text of the protocol procedure

Definition of a protocol procedure text is a procedure text whose contents are steps that can be executed more flexibly. In other words, the steps presented can be performed out of sequence because the goal of the text will still be achieved.

This way, you can take the first steps, it’s up to you. The important thing is that the ultimate goal of the steps taken is the same. So, an example of this is a single sentence of instructions for preparing instant noodles as follows:

You are free to pour all the spices into the container first or boil the pasta first.

Function and structure of internal text

If we talk about function, the function of this action text is to provide an explanation of the steps to achieve the goal in sequence. In other words, this action text is actually a how-to text and its overall structure is as follows:

1. The opening or introduction

An action text usually begins with a title followed by an introductory sentence or topic sentence. In this sentence, the author usually gives a simple explanation about what will be created.

2. Article

Once the topic sentence or introductory sentence has finished, the material will follow. Therefore, in this section, the author will convey the required material. For example, if the action text is about preparing food.

Therefore, in this material section, the author will provide complete information on the tools and materials used, including component measurements. Another example is if the procedure text relates to the manufacture of crafts, the materials are usually explained complete with dimensions.

3. Steps

Below are the steps from the topic discussed. In this section, the author will try to explain the steps as best as possible so that it is easy for readers to understand and follow. This can take the form of a numbered paragraph or can be a series of bullet points.

4. Conclusion

In the end, the action text is usually also equipped with a conclusion, this is the concluding part. In this section, the author will present conclusions regarding what was explained in the previous section. Usually in this section the author will also provide suggestions.

Grammar for procedural texts

When compared to other types of text, this procedural text exhibits a unique linguistic grammar. In general, the linguistic rules are as follows:

1. Use behavioral and physical actions

Procedural texts generally use behavioral and physical verbs. What are behavioral and physical actions? Behavioral verbs are verbs that refer more to actions that are performed using expressions. For example, believe, have fun, etc.

Meanwhile, physical verbs are verbs that refer more to physical actions. For example, in this case, dropping the coloring, pouring the flour, grinding the spices and so on.

2. Explain the tools and materials in more detail

The procedure text will provide an explanation of the materials or tools and materials used. Not only does it state this, but it is generally also accompanied by information on colour, quantity, dosage and size.

3. Use persuasive sentences

Furthermore, procedural texts usually use persuasive sentences. This is a sentence intended to influence readers to take action. An example in this case is “Let’s keep the tools used clean.”

4. Use temporal conjunctions

Procedural texts usually use temporal conjunctions or temporal conjunctions. This is the conjunction whose function is to explain the chronology. For example the words then, then, next, next, and so on.

5. Use technical words

Procedural texts generally use technical words that are of course still relevant to the topic being discussed. Examples of vegetables, osteoporosis, ingredients, nutrition, etc.

6. Use imperative verbs

Procedural texts tend to use imperative verbs. This is an imperative verb and its endings are usually -lah, -i, and -an. For example, prepare, pay attention, avoid, enter, etc.

Example action text: How to make fried rice

Fried rice is a delicious food that is easy to prepare at any time. This menu can also be made with leftover rice from yesterday’s cooking and still be suitable for consumption. Fried rice can also be one of the menu options that is easy to prepare, and if you are interested in preparing it, you can pay attention to the following information.

Materials used

  • Beef sausage 1 piece (optional)
  • 1 chicken egg (optional)
  • Sweet soy sauce 2 tbsp
  • Margarine 2 tablespoons
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 leek, finely chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
  • Hot pepper cut into thin slices, quantity according to taste
  • 1 plate of white rice

Making methods

  • Prepare a pestle or you can also use a chopper and then add the garlic, shallots and chilli. Mix these three ingredients
  • Heat the pan, then add the ghee and wait until the ghee melts completely
  • Put the ground spices in a frying pan and fry them. Stir so that the spices do not burn and wait for a fragrant aroma to come out
  • Add salt, sausage pieces and chicken eggs and stir again
  • After the eggs are cooked, add the white rice with enough sweet soy sauce and then stir all the ingredients until they are evenly mixed.
  • Make taste adjustments and if appropriate, remove the fried rice and serve

Now, do you understand more about what procedural text means? Armed with the above information and the included examples, do you think you’d like to practice writing procedural scripts?

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