Complete elements, structure and examples

Fairy tales can be identified with fairy tales or stories based on the author’s imagination. There are several distinctive characteristics of this story, which are the use of magic, otherworldly creatures, myths, and more. This nonsensical part of the story actually makes it more entertaining.

Maybe you’ve read novels or watched the Harry Potter, Narnia, or Cinderella movies? These are some examples of such stories. This story is loved by many people because it is often used as an escape. Impossible things in the real world can happen in this story.

Creating this story requires a lot of imagination and creativity. You should also know the folklore relevant to your story so that your readers will become more knowledgeable. If you want to create a story like this, make sure you understand the things below first!

Fantasy stories are

Complete elements, structure and examples 2

Imagination plays a very important role in this story. This story was created using the author’s extraordinary imagination. It is not uncommon to use fantasy elements that do not make any sense in the plot.

This story is the same as a regular fairy tale, with characters, setting, and plot. However, the characters or settings captured are entirely created by the author and do not always exist in the real world.

For example, the story of Cinderella contains elements of magic, specifically when the Fairy Godmother changes Cinderella’s appearance into a beautiful woman using magic.

Structure of a fantasy story

Complete elements, structure and examples 3

If you think this story is too easy, you are wrong. This story actually requires such high thinking power that something that is considered unusual becomes exciting and interesting to read. When you want to create this story, understand its structure, which is:

1. Orientation

Of course, all stories begin with a prologue. This is called the introductory or introductory part of the story. You can briefly explain about the main characters in the story. You can explain his background or unique personality.

For example, Anika is a little girl who lives with her grandmother in a wooden house in the middle of the forest. He has a girlfriend named Rosita. The two often played forest fairies every weekend.

2. Conflict

Of course, the story would be less interesting if it didn’t have conflict. Children’s fairy tales certainly raise a problem or conflict that the main character must solve. This conflict is closely related to the story.

3. Resolution

When a conflict is resolved, it is a sign that a solution has solved the problem. The solution is a way out of the problem of the story. Usually in this section, the story starts off calm and quiet, but you can make the reader wonder what will happen next.

4. Closing

If you have reached the solution, the next structure is the concluding part. Some call it the end. In stories, the ending is not always happy. There are also those that end sadly, and there are also those that are deliberately left hanging to arouse the readers’ curiosity.

Elements of making fairy tales

Aside from its structure, this story also differs from the others in terms of elements. This story has stronger magical and fantasy elements. Make sure you know the explanation for each element of this story, including:

1. Unusual story theme

In this case, the themes or main ideas of the story are mostly inspired by real life. However, what makes it more unique is the addition of fantasy essence. For example, a story about the life of super teenagers at school.

2. Characters have special advantages

Most of these stories contain main characters with special strengths. There are also characters who suddenly experience a mysterious event that changes their lives 360 degrees. For example, a man is suddenly swept into the past after entering a strange door in a museum.

3. Contains magical items

Elements of magic or sorcery have become common in short fiction. In fact, these elements bring the story to life and make it enjoyable to read until the end.

In this story the magical elements can be expressed as the presence of magical objects, supernatural creatures, or mysterious dimensions. These things are based entirely on the author’s imagination and do not exist in the real world.

4. Unrealistic

This story falls under the category of fiction, also known as an article not based on true events. This story could take place in the real world, but there are always extra things or gems tied into the fantasy elements.

5. Complex background

Since anything that could not happen in the real world can happen in this story, it is not uncommon for this story to have a complex setting. Sometimes writers create events that transcend time and space.

For example, Willy has a magic pendant that allows him to travel to the past or future.

6. Simple language

This story is written in simple and easy to understand language. The use of figures of speech and diction helps the writer express the characters in the story.

Examples of fantasy stories

After understanding the different structures and elements in this story, the story would be incomplete if you had not seen some examples. Let’s take a look at some examples of interesting stories that can inspire you as follows:

1. Stories about the mirror world

There is one room in the wonderful house that is forbidden for children. But curiosity made Tessa and Arla dare to sneak into the room. The room was dusty, and most of the furniture was covered with white cloth, except for a large mirror that stood in the corner of the room.

When Tessa and Arla stood in front of the mirror, they were instantly sucked into the mirror. It turns out that they are lost in the Mirror World, where everything is made of shiny glass.

Curiosity leads Tessa and Arla into this strange world. They found a beautiful cat made of transparent crystal and a fairy figure with a transparent body like glass. Although the world is beautiful looking, Tessa and Arla want to return to their original world.

Not long after, Tessa and Arla met a kind fairy who gave them a diamond. When the diamond was rubbed, Tessa and Arla immediately returned to the real world. With this diamond, both of them can enter and exit the mirror world easily.

2. Universal fantasy stories

Dalia was always ostracized by her friends at school. For this reason, this little girl often played alone in the backyard. One afternoon, Dahlia found a small door carved into a tree. Dahlia knocked on the door and was shocked beyond words when she saw a fictional figure emerge from inside.

The fairy’s name is Lara. Dahlia asked why Lara’s wings were flapping weakly and her eyes were glazed over. It seems that Lara is searching for a potion in the human world to prevent the destruction of the fairy world. A black spell from an evil witch puts all the fairies to sleep.

Dahlia also helped Lara find the ingredients needed to make the potion in the woods behind the house. After the potion was ready, Lara and Dahlia entered the fairy world to feed the sleeping fairies with the potion.

His efforts were successful and all the fairies slowly woke up from their long sleep. Lara, as the guardian of the fantasy world, is very grateful to Dahlia. Lara promised to grant Dahlia one wish in return.

Dalia asked her to have friends at school so she wouldn’t feel lonely, and the next day Dalia suddenly had a lot of friends.

3. The chocolate palace fairy tale

There is a country made entirely of chocolate. It is said that the country is ruled by a king. One day, this country received a threat. A fire-breathing dragon comes and melts part of the Chocolate Castle.

Without chocolate, the palace cannot stand and the lives of the king and his people are in a dangerous situation. So the king asked that if anyone defeated the dragon, there would be a great reward as a reward.

A boy named Manis also accepted the challenge. He knew that the fire-breathing dragon could only be defeated with a mysterious sword. Manis struggles to climb chocolate mountains, candy forests and milk rivers to get the sword.

He managed to obtain the mysterious sword, and then Manes returned to the palace. Meanwhile, the dragon returned and set fire to different parts of the palace. Brave Manes immediately jumped up and stuck the sword into the dragon’s head.

Immediately the dragon fell helplessly. The king and the people surrounding the palace rejoiced. Manes was finally given successor to the palace by the king.

4. A fictional story about a giant goldfish

Anton knows a legend about a giant goldfish that lives in a hidden lake in the forest. Anton wants to prove whether the legend is real or just a story from his ancestors. Armed with great curiosity, Anton went on his own adventure into the forest.

After traveling a long distance, Anton found a large lake whose waters sparkled in the afternoon sun. But there were no signs of giant carp in the lake. Annoyed that his efforts were in vain, Anton threw the stones into the middle of the lake.

Suddenly the surface of the lake shook and in the middle a giant carp jumped out of the water. The goldfish was angry because it felt disturbed by Anton’s presence. Finally the fish tried to chase Anton and eat him alive.

Anton ran as hard as he could. However, his escape from the giant fish became increasingly difficult. Suddenly the trees around him came to life and their roots tried to bind Anton’s body. Fortunately, Anton was still able to get out of the forest and promised not to go after the giant fish.

5. Magical fantasy stories

An old grandmother living in a remote village finds a magic ring. The ring seems to have great magical powers. Whoever wears it becomes young again. Grandma felt that her skin was tight again and her body was healthy when she wore the ring.

When Grandma stood in the mirror, she suddenly turned into her 20-year-old self. Grandma uses the ring to trick others. He claims to be able to make anyone stay young, but none of the treatments have worked.

As a result of her actions, Granny received revenge. The ring turns out to be cursed. The ring cannot be removed. Instead, the ring seemed to suck Granny’s body dry and crumble into dust. Since then, no one dared to touch the ring.

There are still many examples of exciting and entertaining fairy tales. The magic touch makes the story more unique. It’s no surprise that readers of this story range from children to adults who need a moment to escape the real world.

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