Animals that live in water and on land. Here are examples and characteristics

There are many types of animals that live in water and there is not only one type of water, which are fresh water, salt water, which is often called sea water, and brackish water. Each type of aquatic habitat has unique environmental conditions, including temperature, salinity, and oxygen availability.

Aside from that, there are other factors that affect the types of animals that can live there. These animals have adapted to their specific environments in order to survive and reproduce.

In the aquatic ecosystem, it has been shown that there are many animals that live in the water besides fish. For example crustaceans (animals with shells), molluscs (such as snails), insects, birds, mammals, reptiles, snakes, as well as turtles, spiders and amphibians. Below is a full discussion.

General classification of water types

Animals that live in water and on land. Here are examples and characteristics 2

Based on the characteristics of the water and the characteristics of the surrounding environment, the aquatic habitats of animals can be classified into several types. The following is a general classification of water types as habitats for animals:

1. Fresh water (fresh water):

Types of water considered freshwater are rivers, swamps, and lakes. Rivers flow, while swamps and lakes tend to be still. The types of animals that live in freshwater are freshwater fish, frogs, turtles, aquatic insects, snakes, birds and small mammals.

But apart from that, there is also fresh water underground (groundwater). They are usually found in caves or aquifers. Some animals, such as cave fish and many insect species, live in this habitat.

2. Air Assin (salt water):

The largest saltwater ecosystem is the sea which provides a habitat for various species of fish and crustaceans such as shrimp and crabs.

3. Air Bayou (Brackish Water):

Brackish water is a mixture of fresh water and salt water, such as that found in lakes or estuaries. This habitat can support several species of saltwater fish, crabs, shrimp, and birds.

Examples of animals that live in water

Animals that live in water and on land. Here are examples and characteristics 3

Freshwater ecosystems

Freshwater is a very diverse ecosystem and supports the lives of different species of animals. There are a variety of living organisms that have adapted to different environmental conditions. Here is an example:

  • Fish: This type of animal is the most numerous and diverse in freshwater ecosystems. Examples of this include goldfish, gourami fish, and others.
  • Aquatic Reptiles: Turtles are aquatic reptiles that live in various freshwater environments such as rivers, lakes, and swamps. They often migrate in search of breeding areas.
  • Amphibians: They are animals that can live in fresh water and land. Examples include frogs and salamanders. They usually start their lives in water and then metamorphose.
  • Waterfowl: They live and feed in the water. For example: ducks, storks, and so on.
  • Crustaceans: such as freshwater crabs, freshwater shrimp, snails, snails, oysters, and the like.
  • Aquatic insects: The first stages of their lives take place in water before metamorphosis, for example dragonflies.

Saltwater ecosystem

Often called a seawater ecosystem, it is actually a vast habitat full of life. This salt-rich environment provides a home for a wide range of animals that have adapted to the often harsh conditions. Here are examples of several types of animals that live in salt water:

  • Marine Fish: Fish are the most abundant group of animals in the sea. Some examples of marine fish include salmon, tuna, shark, stingray, snapper, clownfish, and many more. Sea fish have different shapes and sizes. Seahorses are also included in this set.
  • Cetaceans: Cetacean mammals that live in seawater include whales, dolphins, and porpoises. They live in the sea their whole lives and depend on it to find food and reproduce.
  • Crustaceans: Lobsters and crabs are examples of shelled animals that live in the sea. Size and color can vary.
  • Molluscs: Not all of them have shells, but sea snails are an example.
  • Jellyfish: They have a unique shape and have several different types, and their depths vary from shallow to deep.
  • Starfish: They live at the bottom of the sea and play a role in controlling other invertebrate groups.

Saltwater ecosystem

Brackish water is a transitional environment between freshwater and saltwater, which occurs when freshwater from rivers or other water sources mixes with saltwater from the sea. These unique environmental conditions support the life of several species of animals that have managed to adapt.

These animals have developed special abilities to survive in conditions of varying salinity changes in brackish water environments. Here are examples of several types of animals that live in brackish water:

  • Crustaceans: Examples include saltwater shrimp, mud crab,
  • Brackish water eels: Such as brackish water eels or saltwater eels (Laticauda colubrina), they can be found around areas of brackish water transition. They are reptiles that have the ability to swim in water.
  • Saltwater fish: Some fish have the ability to adapt to brackish water, such as salmon, which can migrate from the sea to freshwater rivers.
  • Fireworms: They are marine organisms that can be found around brackish water areas such as mangrove forests. They play an important role in breaking down organic matter and contributing to ecosystem balance.
  • Mangrove turtle: It is a type of turtle that lives in mangrove environments
  • Brackish Water Birds: Several species of migratory birds such as gulls, plovers and various other species of water birds often visit brackish water areas in search of food and shelter.
  • Saltwater Insects: Some insects, such as mosquitoes and dragonflies, also live around brackish water areas and mangroves.
  • Brackish Water Spiders: Several species of spiders can also be found that have adapted to life in brackish water areas around mangrove forests.

Animals that can live in water and on land

Animals that can live in two ecosystems like this are usually called amphibians. They have the ability to adapt to two ecosystems with different conditions. Here are some examples of animals that can live in these two environments:

  • Amphibians: frogs and salamanders are the most common examples. They both can live comfortably in water and also on land. Some spend their time in one ecosystem before switching.
  • Reptiles: Turtles and crocodiles are examples of reptiles that can live and move freely in two ecosystems.
  • Insects: Dragonflies and flies are also examples of amphibious insects. The initial stage takes place in water and then metamorphoses to be able to live on land.
  • Waterfowl: Ducks are waterfowl that can live comfortably on land.
  • Water snakes and many other species usually search for food and move in the water. However, they use the land for shelter.

Characteristics of animals that live in water

As shown above, there are many types of animals that can live in water, in different types of water on land. Therefore, the properties must also be different. In general, the characteristics that can be paid attention to are:

  • It breathes using gills. Except for whales and dolphins, which use lungs. For this reason they often rise to the surface to suck in air.
  • It spends most of its life in water.
  • You have fins for swimming or some kind of soft feet for moving.

Most animals that live in aquatic ecosystems are invertebrates or do not have a backbone. The shape is usually small to medium. Meanwhile, there are only about 65,000 vertebrates or vertebrates or only 3% of the total number of aquatic animals.

This ratio is affected by the body shape of these vertebrate animals, which are generally large. They cannot gather in one place like other small animals. Examples include whales, stingrays, and whale fish such as guppies, gourami, catfish, and tuna.

Examples of carnivores that live in aquatic ecosystems

Of the many examples of animals that live in water that were mentioned previously, a few of them are omnivores, meaning they search for food by preying on other animals. Some of these carnivores even seem harmless. Here is an example:

  • Frogs: Their food consists of insects and worms, and some species eat other frogs.
  • Crocodile: Able to eat prey whose body size is larger than its size.
  • Whale: This species is known as a dangerous predator in the sea.
  • Piranha: Commonly found in schools, it is known for its ferocity in eating the flesh of other fish or anything it can eat. Even livestock or other animals are caught by surprise.
  • Dragonflies: They look cute, apparently since they were larvae, they ate small fish, plankton, or other larvae.

How to reproduce

How do animals that live in water reproduce? Reproduction methods are divided into three groups, namely oviposition, parturition, and oviposition. For animals in aquatic ecosystems, the following are examples of each group:

1. Laying eggs (eggs)

In general, amphibians reproduce in this way. The mother usually produces a lot of eggs. Later the baby will grow in the egg and then hatch and survive in the water until it turns into an adult.

Examples of aquatic animals that lay eggs include fish, frogs, crocodiles, and turtles. These animals usually lay a lot of eggs, which then hatch. These babies will grow and develop to find their own food until they become adults.

2. Childbirth (born)

Water-dwelling mammals such as whales, dolphins, and dugongs reproduce by giving birth. The fetus develops in the mother’s body until it is complete and is then born.

3. Laying eggs (oocytes)

Most of them reproduce oviparously. This means that the mother lays eggs and reproduces them in her body. But the food source is taken from the eggs and not from the mother because it does not contain a placenta.

Another word for ovovivipar is to lay eggs (ovipar) at birth (vivipar). So the fertilization process forms eggs, and these eggs contain nutrients for the young to eat. This egg then hatches in the mother’s body and is born when the time comes.

Examples include sharks, stingrays, guppies, and seahorses. Other animals are salamanders, sea horses and several species of sea snakes.


Indeed, there are many animals that live in water, whether of the water type or the animal type. The same applies to how to reproduce. The largest animal species are animals that live in saltwater ecosystems because the ocean area is so large.

This also includes versatility because it can accommodate large vertebrate animals such as whales and various other types of fish. From all these explanations, it becomes clear that the number of animals living in aquatic ecosystems is an extraordinary number.

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