How to get rid of panda eyes quickly and naturally – Panda eyes are a problem that people often want to get rid of. This condition is usually characterized by eyes that appear baggy and black. Learn how to get rid of panda eyes so that your appearance becomes more perfect.

Panda eyes are actually normal as you get older. This is because the muscles around the eyes begin to relax and weaken. But it is not rare for young people to also suffer from this condition.

Although it is not a serious health problem, many people often complain about panda eyes because they are considered to interfere with their appearance. Not only that, but self-confidence can also decrease due to eye diseases.

Don’t worry, panda eyes can be treated. Even how to deal with it is easy too. The ingredients are also easy to obtain and not very expensive. Here are the reasons and ways to get rid of panda eyes quickly.

Causes of panda eyes

Before knowing how to get rid of panda eyes, you also need to know why they appear. This is so that you don’t panic too much if you encounter this one day. What are the reasons in your opinion? Below is a full explanation,

According to the Cleveland Clinic, panda eyes can be caused by aging. In this case, the skin under the eyes sags and becomes thinner. This also causes blood vessels to appear under the eyes and the skin becomes red.

But apparently not only that, the Cleveland Clinic has also determined that there are other factors that cause panda eyes, and in fact, this cause is also common in many people, including:

  • Family genetics
  • You suffer from eczema or contact dermatitis, which can cause the blood vessels under the eyes to widen and darken
  • The habit of rubbing or scratching the eyes leads to swelling of the layers under the eyes and damage to the blood vessels
  • Irregular sleep patterns
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Dryness, making the skin look dull
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Drink alcoholic beverages frequently
  • Smoking habit

How to get rid of panda eyes

There are many ways to get rid of panda eyes quickly. Some of them use natural ingredients. Below are several methods that can be used summarized from various sources.

Use ice cubes

Ice cubes can help remove panda eyes effectively. This is because ice cubes can control inflammation due to excessive activity or pressure on the plantar fascia tissues. Learn how to quickly clear your eyes with ice cubes below:

  • Wrap the ice cubes in a clean towel or cloth
  • Press on the eye area slowly
  • Leave it for 10 minutes
  • Repeat several times at a time

Avoid coffee consumption

Until now, coffee is known as a food or drink that can reduce drowsiness. It is not surprising that many people still stay awake at night after taking it. Because of this condition, avoiding or reducing coffee consumption can help get rid of panda eyes.

If you still want to take it, make sure it’s not too much and not at night. But it is better to replace it with another type of drink, such as green tea or water.

Use tomatoes

Tomatoes can also be a way to get rid of panda eyes naturally. Tomatoes contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for maintaining healthy skin.

As for helping to reduce panda eyes, tomatoes can be mixed with lemon. It is believed that this mixture is able to lighten the baggy eye area naturally. Here are the steps that can be followed:

  • Mix a teaspoon of tomato juice and a teaspoon of lemon juice
  • Apply to the under eye area
  • Leave it for 10 minutes until it dries
  • Rinse using clean water
  • Do this regularly twice daily for maximum results

Use aloe vera

Not only is it good for getting rid of acne, it turns out that aloe vera is also good for nourishing the skin so it becomes hydrated again. It is also believed that this plant improves skin condition. Learn how to get rid of panda eyes using aloe vera.

  • Prepare the aloe vera plant and then clean it
  • Take aloe vera mucus and rub the gel under your eyes
  • Leave it for 15 minutes or until it dries
  • Rinse using clean water

How to get rid of panda eyes naturally using honey

Honey can rejuvenate the skin when applied to bags under the eyes. If you do it regularly, your skin can shine again. Honey also helps reduce eye bags naturally.

  • How to get rid of panda eyes quickly:
  • Apply honey to the bags under the eyes.
  • Leave it to dry for 20 minutes.
  • After that, wash with clean water.
  • For best results, apply at night before bed.

Use cucumber

Skin problems can be treated with cucumber, including panda eye diseases. It is known to contain vitamins A, B and C. Not to mention, its water content is also very high.

But not only that, cucumbers also contain potassium and magnesium, which are beneficial in supporting the eyes to be healthier and look fresh. Learn how to get rid of panda eyes using cucumber.

  • Prepare one cucumber, then wash and clean it
  • Slice thinly according to needs
  • Place cucumber slices on the eye area for 30 minutes

Use olive oil

Olive oil can also be chosen as an alternative method to get rid of panda eyes naturally. It is known that this oil can be beneficial for softening and lightening the skin.

This is also no exception to treating the condition of black bags or panda eyes. This ability can occur because olive oil contains antioxidants.

Here’s how to get rid of panda eyes quickly and naturally using olive oil:

  • Apply olive oil to the eye bag area
  • Massage gently
  • Apply every day before bed.
  • Do this regularly until the bags under your eyes disappear completely.

A packet of tea

An alternative that can be used to treat the problem of black eye bags or panda eyes is tea bags. Because tea bags contain tannin compounds. This compound can reduce swelling and discoloration in the area under the eyes.

How to get rid of panda eyes quickly and naturally 2

Here are the steps to treat panda eyes using tea bags.

  • Prepare two tea bags, then store the tea bags in the refrigerator overnight.
  • It is taken in the morning and applied to the closed bags under the eyes.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes.
  • Do this regularly for best results.

Use a frozen spoon

Have you ever heard the suggestion of removing a panda’s eyes using a frozen spoon? It turns out it wasn’t just an illusion, you know! Because frozen spoons can really help reduce the condition of panda eyes.

This is because the cooling effect of the frozen spoon can help the skin become more relaxed. Make sure to use a metal spoon when trying this method. Here’s a tutorial for removing smarteye using a frozen spoon.

How to get rid of panda eyes quickly:

  • Store 2 tablespoons in the refrigerator overnight.
  • Clean your face with clean water.
  • Use a frozen spoon in the morning by placing the back of the spoon on your eye.
  • Wait for the spoon to heat up.
  • Do this regularly for best results

other ways

Aside from the above-mentioned methods, the Mayo Clinic suggests several things you can do to get rid of panda eyes naturally. Here are some of them:

  • Reduce drinking water before bed
  • Avoid smoking habits
  • Reduce salt consumption
  • Sleep regularly for about 7 to 9 hours a day
  • Avoid allergens that can cause swollen eyes
  • Use skin care products such as eye cream to reduce circles under the eyes
  • Sleep with your head elevated to avoid fluid accumulation in the eye area
  • Conducting treatment and surgeries

The last word

Circles under the eyes, also known as panda eyes, often disturb your appearance. Often times many people want to get rid of it.

In the process of treating panda eyes, you can use natural ingredients. Don’t worry, the ingredients are easy to find nearby and the price is also relatively cheap. But there are also those that require high costs, such as surgery.

After learning how to get rid of panda eyes, which tutorial will you try first? Make sure to do one of these methods regularly so that maximum results can be achieved. good luck!

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