Man Jada Oujda means Arabic, and Man Shabara is Dhafirah

Man Jadda Wajada – In wanting to achieve something, many people are persistent and serious about getting it. Like the wise saying in Islam, “Whoever works hard will get it.”

On the other hand, there are also those who commit fraud to achieve what they want, because lust is stronger than faith.

Of course, such things mentioned above are not recommended in Islam, because they will of course cause harm to others.

In Islam, the determination to fulfill a desire must be based on strong honesty and sincerity.

So that the results obtained are blessed by God Almighty to keep them away from devastating disasters.

What does it mean to be serious and serious?

If it is interpreted in the language of Man Jada Wa Ajada it is “He who is serious will achieve success.”

The meaning of this sentence is taken from a book by Akbar Zain al-Din entitled From Jeddah and Jeddah.

Of course, this sentence is given to anyone who wants to achieve a goal or wish that will come true.

With this sentence, a person knows with certainty that when he struggles and falls, he will not stop, but will rise again to continue the struggle.

These encouraging sentences are not only aimed at worldly achievements, but can also be used as encouragement in worship.

As for seriousness in performing worship, there is concern for the pleasure of God Almighty.

Because when you live your life in the pleasure of God Almighty, you will be safe, God willing, in this world and the hereafter.

However, you also need to understand the efforts you will put in if you fail along the way. So the way to practice “from grandfather and grandmother” is to evaluate past activities to make sure there are things that are not quite right.

If you find the root of the problem that caused your failure, get up and get motivated again to fight by not making similar mistakes.

Some of the benefits of the camel man, Jada and Ajada

As mentioned on the above page, man jadda wajada is one of the magical motivational words.

That is, it can hypnotize every fighter who stands firm in achieving the desire, and does not even want to lose it before he wins.

The mascot phrase for many successful people is man_jadda wajada. Of course, this sentence has many benefits for people who struggle to earn a living.

Below are some of the benefits of the phrase man_jadda and it is found in the routine of human life in general:

Encouraging enthusiasm and motivation

The first benefit of the phrase man jadda wajada is that it encourages enthusiasm and motivation. The above sentence has a positive effect in inspiring a person and raising his enthusiasm to achieve his goals.

This sentence awakens the desire in every human being not to give up easily and to continue trying hard to achieve the desired results.

Of course, with mature knowledge, it is not just about passion in fighting, because with knowledge it is easier to achieve this goal.

Increased hard work

The next benefit mentioned in the sentence man_jadda wajada is that it is parsing. To encourage someone to work hard and not rely only on luck.

Because by trying hard, anyone can improve the results of their work.

It is also through hard work that God Almighty sees the sincerity of His servants who want to achieve something or the ideals they desire.

Naturally, all work that increases must be purely for God alone and not because of anything else.

Increase creativity

The next advantage mentioned in the sentence “Man Jadda Wajada” is that it can encourage a person to look for creative solutions.

When there are problems on his way to achieving his goals, he will face the problem easily.

Because a brilliant mind will achieve good results in working to achieve the goal.

For a wise person, the sentence man_jadda wajada will definitely provide a strong whip to always be strong and move forward to find the best solution.

Development in perseverance

The phrase man jadda wajada prioritizes someone to teach the value of perseverance and resilience in the face of obstacles.

Of course, achieving your desired goals is not easy and will be met with different types of tests.

Naturally, a person with strong determination will not be afraid to face this test.

So when he faces failure, he remembers the phrase man_jadda wajada as an encouragement to rise again.

Wall results from the sentence man jadda wajada indirectly helps a person to stay focused on his goals despite experiencing failure or difficulties.

Increase self-confidence

Referring to the following positive benefit of the expression Man Jadda Wajada It is that it can increase a person’s self-confidence.

This principle teaches us that through strong effort and determination, anyone can achieve desired results.

This helps a person become more confident in facing challenges and overcoming obstacles in his way.

Because a person knows that the ability to succeed comes through hard effort.


The next benefit of the phrase “hard-hearted” is self-knowledge, and this concept teaches that through hard effort and perseverance.

Then a person can know himself more deeply about the desires he has always wanted.

In the process of striving to achieve goals, a person will face undeniable challenges and failures.

However, understanding this in-depth knowledge of the self allows a person to learn about who they are.

Regarding what is needed, and what can be done, then understand how to overcome the obstacles and challenges you face.

And so the sentence man_Jadda wajada Don’t just encourage achieving material goals alone. But also personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

Increase independence

The next benefit relates to sentences Man Jadda Wajada Independence increases. This concept encourages people to develop their independent abilities to face challenges and achieve goals.

Through hard work and understanding the knowledge of achieving dreams, a person will continue to learn.

To rely on yourself to overcome obstacles and achieve the desired results, but still rely on God Almighty.

By applying enthusiasm Man Jadda WajadaOne does not just hope for luck alone. However, the person is also active in taking positive action to achieve what he wants.

Naturally, this can teach us values ​​such as perseverance, determination, and the willingness to keep trying even when faced with difficulties.

Through this journey of independence, individuals can feel satisfied and proud of their ability to overcome obstacles.

The person will also continue to learn to take responsibility for positive steps and take initiative to achieve goals without relying on others.

Respect time and effort

Next, respect for time and effort is also one of the positive motivational outcomes of the principle Man Jadda Wajada.

This concept teaches the importance of respecting the time and effort taken into achieving goals.

Through true enthusiasm, a person will continue to learn to appreciate the value of the time and effort he or she has put in to achieve the desired results.

By applying the principles Man Jadda Wajada, it is likely that someone can manage time well. Realizing that sustained and focused effort is the key to achieving success.

Apart from that, this concept also teaches a sense of responsibility towards the efforts made. Because the person who applies emotion man_Jadda wajada We will appreciate your efforts. Although the results obtained have not yet been shown directly.

The person will realize that every step he takes brings him closer to achieving the goal.

Therefore, respect for time and effort is a value instilled by the principle man_Jadda wajada. It will help someone be better, more disciplined and appreciate the process in trying to achieve goals.

Man of Jada Oujda, Arabic and Latin writing and its meaning

After knowing some of the benefits that can be taken from the man’s phrase, very and very, for anyone who wants to know.

The writing of Man Jada Oujda in Arabic and Latin and its meaning can be seen below:

He who finds it finds

Man Jadda Wajada

this means :

Whoever works hard will definitely succeed

This is the time to say serious and serious

The meaning and advantages of the sentence man_jadda wajada has been written on the page above. So you also need to know the right time to express these motivational sentences.

Because when someone is trying, it is undeniable that there will be tests that make them feel weak and want to quit the effort.

So with this magic sentence, the person who is struggling will become more motivated and rise again if failure occurs.

Here are some appropriate times to apply man jadda wajada motivational sentences:

  • When someone experiences failure, such as bankruptcy, frustration, etc., with the goal of being able to get back up again.
  • When a friend or relative is in trouble and faces a big test. So this magic sentence can be used as an incentive not to despair.
  • When someone builds a new home or a new project. While you want strong encouragement to keep going, you can include this magic phrase.
  • When someone has lost hope in his efforts, which often fail and are slow in progress. The phrase man jadda wajada can be included as a motivation to achieve success.

It is important to know regarding the motives of man Jada and Ajada

Although basic stimulation from other people can make a hopeless person return to fighting.

Like the sentence man jadda wajada, it can fuel someone’s enthusiasm to continue working without any reason to stop.

However, it is also important to know that a person’s best motivation is the motivation that has been implanted within the person to achieve something.

Because usually the motivation from others, although it enhances the fighting spirit, does not last long, meaning it is only temporary.

At the same time, the motivation is ingrained in the person to achieve their dreams. Even though he had to face different kinds of tests, he remained strong and kept fighting before he achieved his dream.

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