5 Ways to Get Water Out of Your iPhone Dry, Don’t Relax!

Sometimes accidents, including an iPhone exposed to water, are unavoidable. Don’t panic! There are methods to remove water from your iPhone that you can try to save your device.

Water can cause serious damage to iPhone components. However, with the right and quick steps, the possibility of damage can be reduced. In fact, there is no need to replace expensive hardware.

In this article, we will provide practical tips for dealing with an iPhone that has been exposed to water. Every second counts, so follow our guide right away. Save your iPhone from heavy losses.

How to get water out of iPhone

How to remove water from an iPhone is very complicated. If you do it incorrectly, it can potentially cause serious damage to the device. Check out how to remove it completely below.

1. Turn off your iPhone and disconnect all cables

5 Ways to Get Water Out of Your iPhone Dry, Don't Relax! 2

Have you ever experienced an unexpected moment when your iPhone fell into water? Of course, this moment can make your heart flutter. However, don’t panic! Follow these simple steps to remove water from your iPhone.

Before moving forward, make sure to turn off your iPhone immediately and disconnect all connected cables. This is crucial to minimizing further external damage. Electrical power and water are a dangerous combination for electronic devices.

Next, place your iPhone in a dry, warm place. Avoid using a hair dryer as it may damage the components. Alternatively, you can use rice or silica gel, which absorbs moisture for 24 hours.

After the recommended time has passed, turn on your iPhone. If problems persist, it is recommended that you immediately contact an Apple Authorized Service Center. Remember that device safety is the top priority. Always keep your iPhone safe from unexpected accidents.

2. Gently shake your iPhone to remove water

5 Ways to Get Water Out of Your iPhone Dry, Don't Relax! 3

When your iPhone is exposed to water, panic may begin immediately. However, there is a simple trick to help. Did you know that gently shaking your iPhone can help?

Shake your iPhone gently, but make sure not too vigorously. This vibration is intended to remove any water that may remain in the port or speaker. Of course, you have to be careful not to drop it.

Sometimes, all the water may not come out with one shake. Repeat several times at intervals of several minutes. Also make sure that your iPhone is turned off while removing water from your iPhone to avoid short circuits.

3. Use rice to draw out moisture

Is your iPhone wet from exposure to water? Don’t worry! Rice can be an unexpected lifesaver. This is not a myth, but a proven method.

When your iPhone comes into contact with water, turn it off immediately. Then take some rice and prepare an airtight container. Rice is known to extract moisture and water.

Place your iPhone in a bowl filled with rice. Make sure your iPhone is completely covered with rice. Leave it for 24 hours so that the rice can effectively absorb moisture.

After 24 hours, take the iPhone out of the rice and turn it on. If problems persist, consider consulting an expert. Remember, quick and precise steps can save your iPhone.

4. Place your iPhone in a dry, well-ventilated place

A wet iPhone accident may be inevitable. However, there is a quick solution in sight. A dry, well-ventilated place is the key to recovery.

First, turn off your iPhone immediately. Avoid operating or charging in wet conditions. This may cause a dangerous short circuit.

Next, find a place with good air circulation. It can be near a window or under a fan. Place your iPhone in this location and let the fresh air dry the moisture.

Wait a few hours. Once you’re sure your iPhone is dry, try turning it on. If there are problems, you should consult a technician. Remember, iPhone safety should always be a priority.

5. Avoid using a hair dryer or other heat sources

Wet iPhone? Don’t panic! Although it may be tempting to dry quickly with a hair dryer, avoid this. Heat sources can cause further damage.

Once you realize that your iPhone is wet, turn off the device. This is to prevent short circuits and further damage. Remove all connected accessories.

Although a hair dryer is fast-moving, the heat from the device can damage electronic components. Instead, use tissues or a microfiber cloth to wipe the surface of your iPhone.

Wait for your iPhone to dry completely before restarting it. Patience is very important here. If you have any doubts, take it to an authorized service center. iPhone safety is crucial.

The risk of water getting into the iPhone

There is always a risk that arises if the iPhone you are using gets in water. Take a look at some of the risks that will occur and their impact on the devices.

1. Damage to the internal circuit

When your iPhone is exposed to water, one of the biggest risks is damage to the internal circuits. How could this happen?

The electrical circuits inside your iPhone are designed with great precision, and the presence of water can disrupt the flow of electricity. This can lead to a fatal short circuit. You should immediately take precautions to keep your iPhone safe.

If you find your iPhone wet, turn it off immediately and dry it. Remember, the sooner you act, the better your chances are of avoiding circuit damage and keeping your iPhone working.

2. The screen becomes unresponsive

Have you ever felt like your iPhone screen became unresponsive after being exposed to water? This condition is one of the most common issues that occurs not only on iPhones but also on other types of gadgets.

When water gets behind the screen, it may interfere with touch functionality. The screen may appear slow, or even not respond at all. This issue disrupts the daily usage experience.

If this happens, dry your iPhone immediately. Avoid pressing the screen repeatedly. Give it some time and, if necessary, consult an expert.

3. Problems with the sound quality of the speaker and microphone

One of the components most vulnerable to water in an iPhone is the speaker and microphone. What are the risks?

When water enters it, the speaker may emit a harsh sound or even no sound. Meanwhile, the microphone may experience interference so that your voice cannot be heard clearly during the call.

Solution: Do not attempt to use the speaker or microphone in wet conditions. Dry your iPhone and if the problem persists, visit an authorized service center.

4. The battery gets damaged quickly

The battery is the heart of your iPhone, but water can pose a threat. What happens if the battery comes into contact with water?

Water can cause damage to the battery, such as rapid drainage or even swelling. This definitely reduces the life of the device.

It is important for you to make sure that the battery stays dry. If you feel a problem, stop use immediately and consider having the battery replaced by a professional.

5. Corrosion of internal components

Water and metal are a bad mix. So, what happens if your iPhone’s internal components get water?

Water can cause corrosion of internal components. This wear can destroy function and reduce the longevity of your iPhone. Symptoms of damage may not appear immediately, but its effects will last a long time.

When your iPhone comes into contact with water, make sure to dry it as quickly as possible. Remember, prevention is better than replacing components damaged by corrosion.

Unexpected events can happen at any time, such as your iPhone being exposed to water. However, by knowing how to remove water from your iPhone, you can avoid fatal damage.

Face every situation with the right knowledge. Remember to always be alert and ready with a solution.

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