Supplication after the impossible Hajj prayer and its procedures

Prayer after the Hajj prayer – In everyday life, of course there are things that are considered goals or so-called desires.

At the same time, the owner and grantor of all human desires is God Almighty. Therefore, if a Muslim wants to live away from work, trade, and the like, he should make prayer one of his wishes.

Prayer can be placed after prayer for the purpose of livelihood during prayer for good luck, and there is no need to do it at night, because during the day you can also perform prayer for this purpose.

For more details about the prayer prayer, both in terms of reading and prayer procedures, see the following review only on

A glimpse at understanding the impossible argument prayer

The Hajj prayer is a form of Sunnah prayer performed by Muslims as a means of requesting specific needs, desires or goals from God Almighty.

The term “need” in Indonesian can be interpreted as a need, requirement or hope that someone wants to fulfill.

The Hujjah prayer is usually performed when a person faces a specific situation or problem. Such as tests, difficulties, urgent needs, or when you want to ask God for help through prayer after effective prayer.

The Hajj prayer is not an obligatory act of worship, rather it is a confirmed Sunnah (a strongly recommended Sunnah).

Although it is not obligatory, the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, highly recommends this prayer and gives it priority as a means of seeking God’s help and mercy in various matters.

Reciting true desire prayer intentions

If we are talking about prayer after prayer for soul mate and livelihood, then of course it is read after performing the prayer of desire.

As a devout Muslim, of course you need to know the intention of the Hajjah prayer before you recite the desired Hajjah prayer.

Because this is a chain that cannot be separated, in addition to that one of the pillars of prayer is intention.

The reading of the Hajj prayer intentions is as follows:

I pray the Sunnah of Hajj, two rak’ahs in fulfillment of God Almighty

Ushalli sunnatal hajati rak’ataini ada’an lillahi ta’ala.

this means :

I deliberately prayed the Sunnah prayer with two rak’ahs in cash for the sake of God Almighty.

Paying attention to the procedures for performing Hajj prayers according to the Sunnah

As with prayer in general, prayer prayer also has procedures that must be known and understood by the Muslim who wants to perform it.

Regarding the steps or methods of prayer, there is what is Sunnah, and there is also what is harmonious or obligatory.

Please find below the steps of prayer prayer that you can learn:

Read prayer intentions

Intend in your heart to perform the Hajj prayer for the sake of God alone and after the prayer, then pray while mentioning the goal of the Hajj that you want to achieve.

The intention can be expressed in the heart without having to express it with the tongue, but for those whose intention has already been confirmed, it is sufficient to recite the takbirat al-ihram directly.

Reciting the takbirat al-Ihram

After making the intention, the next step is to recite the takbirat al-Ihram while raising both hands parallel to the shoulders with the words “Allahu Akbar.”

The body is erect with respect to the person facing the Qiblah and does not move much to begin the prayer.

Read the opening prayer

The next step regarding how to pray the Hajj is to recite the opening prayer. There are many references for reading the opening prayer which can be found in many jurisprudential books.

Recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah

Then continue reading Surat Al-Fatihah after the opening prayer, as it is one of the pillars of prayer that cannot be neglected.

Recitation of selected surahs

After reading Surah Al-Fatihah, then reading the other optional surahs. Any surah can be read, such as Surat Al-Ikhlas, Surat Al-Falaq, Surat Al-Nas, or any other surah that is easy to remember.

to hand in’

The next step after reading the short surah is to bend down by placing both hands on your knees and keeping your back evenly aligned.

He looks with his eyes at the place of prostration, raises his stomach, and recites the tasbih, Glory be to my Lord the Great, and praise be to Him, three times.


Kneel in an upright position and keep your head up. Read “God hears those who praise Him” and answer “Our Lord, praise be to You” (O God, praise be to You).

He prostrates

Straighten your body again after extending and prostrating, by placing your forehead, nose, palms, knees, and the tip of your left foot on the ground. The tasbih “Glory be to my Lord the Most High” is recited three or more times.

Sitting between the two prostrations

Raising the body from prostration and sitting between the two prostrations. Recite the Rabgverli Rosary three or more times.

The second prostration

Return to the prostration position for the second prostration. The tasbih “Glory be to my Lord, the Most High” is recited three or more times.

Tashahhud and reading the Tashahhud prayer

After the second prostration, sit in the tashahhud position, then recite the tashahhud and prayers.


After the Tashahhud, turn your head to the right and say May the peace and mercy of God be upon you to the right, and do the same to the left by changing “right” to “left”.

What is the appropriate time to perform Hajj prayers?

Hajj prayers can be performed at any time, except during times when prayer is forbidden.

In general, it is recommended to perform the Sunnah prayers, including the Hajj prayer, at the recommended times for the Sunnah prayers, which are:

After the obligatory prayer

The Hajj prayer can be performed after performing the obligatory prayers five times a day after the afternoon and morning prayers.

The last third of the night

One of the recommended times to perform the Sunnah prayer is in the last third of the night, that is, before dawn.

Or it could also be after performing the Sunnah of Hajj prayer. As for the rak’ah, it could be two rak’ahs, four rak’ahs, eight rak’ahs, and so on.

But it should not be Sunnah after the Witr prayer, because Witr is the concluding prayer.

Other times

Aside from the times mentioned above, Hajj prayers can be performed at most times that do not fall within the forbidden times for prayer.

As for some forbidden times for prayer, they are after the afternoon prayer, after the dawn prayer until sunrise, and during the time of the equator.

Therefore, it is very important to remember that prayer is a Sunnah act of worship. So that the implementation time is more flexible compared to the obligatory prayer, which has a predetermined time.

If someone has a pressing need or need that God wants to fulfill. So you can perform prayer at any time with sincere intention and sincere heart only by the grace of God Almighty.

This is the supplication after the supplication for a soul mate and livelihood

It is certain that every human being has a want or desire that he really desires, so he works hard to obtain it.

However, God usually does not fulfill this desire, regarding obstacles that only God knows.

Therefore, as a devout Muslim, when you have a strong desire, you also need to pray, one of which is said after the prayer.

This method is as follows:

  • A commandment for God and the Messenger of God, then for the saints of God and the scholars. All of those mentioned above accept the Fatiha.
  • Reading the sermon of the Prophet Muhammad
  • Then read the supplication after the answered prayer

Praying after the Hajj prayer, which is impossible in Arabic

There is no god but God, the Forbearing, the Most Generous. Glory be to God, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds. I ask you for the reasons for your mercy and the confirmation of your forgiveness, protection from every sin, the spoils of every righteousness, and safety from every sin. Do not leave that to me There is no need except that You forgive it, no worry except that you relieve it, and no need for which you are satisfied unless you fulfill it, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

Latin Hajj Prayer

There is no god but God, the All-Merciful, the Most Generous. Glory be to God, the Greatest Lord of Arsel. Thanks be to God, Lord of all worlds. I ask you for my reasons for your mercy and your wills, for your blessings and protection. We have cut off the sins of evil deeds. We have cut off the sins of means and peace. We have cut off the sins of means and peace. We have cut off sins. Sins and the protection of sins are their fulfillment, O Most Merciful.

this means :

“There is no god worthy of being worshiped except God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, the Mighty, the Holy, Lord of the Great Throne. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. I ask you for the reasons for your mercy and the reasons for your forgiveness, and freedom from every sin that takes away all goodness, and safety from every sin. Leave no sin for me except that you forgive it, and no worry except I healed him, and there is no need I have satisfied except that You have fulfilled it for me, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.”

The preference and wisdom of reciting the supplication after the Hajj and Tahajjud prayers

As mentioned on the page above, recite the supplication after Hajj and Tahajjud prayers. It has several rulings or virtues that Muslims need to know.

After performing the prayer, the religious servant often recites the prayer as a form of hope and request to God Almighty.

As for some of the wisdom behind praying after prayer and Tahajjud, they are as follows:

Getting closer to God Almighty

By performing the Hajj prayer and reciting the prayer after it, a Muslim shows honesty and sincerity in asking God for a specific need or desire.

This will bring you closer to God and improve the quality of your relationship with the Creator.

Build a sense of dependence on God

By understanding the meaning of prayer and implementing the prayer. Man realizes that his needs and desires can only be fulfilled by God Almighty alone.

This helps remind the servant of his great dependence on God Almighty in every step of life.

Strengthening faith and hope

Reciting the supplication after the Hajj and Tahajjud prayers helps strengthen the belief that God Almighty is the One who hears the supplications of His creation.

God Almighty also grants everyone goodness, God willing.

This encourages religious Muslims to always hope and surrender to God alone in the face of various challenges and difficulties in life.

Maintain awareness and thanks to God

Reciting prayer after prayer helps a person to remain aware of the presence of God in every aspect of life. We encourage you to always be grateful for all the blessings given.

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