An ordinary rambutan cake recipe for Eid, which can also be ready with out an oven!

With its unique shape and delicious taste, rambutan cake is suitable as a holiday cake. There is no need to buy this cake from the market or other cake shops, because currently there are many delicious rambutan cake recipes spread on the Internet.

The process of making rambutan cake does not take long. Aside from that, the ingredients that need to be prepared are not difficult to obtain. The most important thing is that you know how to do it correctly. So, pay close attention to the recipes here!

5 sweet, delicious and contemporary rambutan cake recipes

Rambutan cake is a typical Manado snack loved by almost everyone in Indonesia. This is because rambutan cake has a sweet and delicious taste and a modern look. So, how do you make delicious rambutan cake? Here is a list of recipes:

1. A simple recipe for rambutan ball cake

Rambutan cake has always been a holiday cake that is often requested by children and adults. By writing down this recipe and remembering it, you will not only be able to enjoy rambutan cake during the holidays. Because you can also do it on weekdays.

Here are some ingredients to prepare and how to make a simple rambutan ball cake at home:


  • 500 grams of wheat flour
  • 100 grams of butter/ghee
  • 200 grams of ghee
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • Vanilla to taste

material Topping:

  • 2 cans of sprinkles
  • 1 melted coolata chocolate bar

How to make a simple rambutan ball cake:

  • The first step that must be taken to prepare this cake is to mix the butter, powdered sugar, ghee, and vanilla, then Blender Using high speed for 2 minutes.
  • After that, add the egg yolks and wait until all the ingredients are completely mixed.
  • Add flour to the dough, then knead it and shape it into small balls.
  • Bake the dough using medium temperature. While waiting, you can pour the melted chocolate into a bowl.
  • Dip the cooked cake dough into melted chocolate, then roll it into springforms to make it look more attractive.
  • Leave the cake for a few minutes until it freezes, then place it in a cake bowl.

2. Rambutan biscuit cake recipe without oven

If the first method can be done using the oven to bake the dough, then this method can be done without using the oven. Here is a recipe for making rambutan cake from biscuits without using an oven:


  • 75 grams of biscuits
  • 10 grams of cocoa powder
  • 50 grams of chocolate
  • 10 ripe peanuts
  • 10 cherries
  • 2 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk with chocolate

material Topping:

  • 50 grams of melted chocolate
  • 100 grams of selected chocolate

How to make rambutan cake from biscuits without oven:

  • First, mix together the cookies, chocolate bars, cocoa powder and chocolate-flavored sweetened condensed milk.
  • Then mix all the ingredients until they turn into a smooth dough.
  • Add the ripe peanut to the cherries, then set it aside in a special bowl.
  • Take a small amount of the mixture using a tablespoon, then flatten it and add the cherries stuffed with peanuts.
  • We form the dough into small balls, then put them in a bowl and leave them in the refrigerator for a while.
  • When the mixture comes together, take it out and dip it in the melted chocolate.
  • Then stir the mixture into the chocolate sprinkles and the cake can be served.

3. A chocolate rambutan cake recipe that is sure to be delicious

You can also try this recipe when you want to make your own rambutan cake at home. When you make this cake yourself at home, you can save more money when buying holiday cakes. For this reason, remember the following recipe well:


  • 300 grams of wheat flour
  • 150 grams of powdered sugar
  • 250 grams of ghee
  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 box of chocolate bars

material Topping:

  • 1 box of chocolate sprinkles
  • 1 box of chocolate bars

How to prepare a chocolate rambutan cake that is sure to be delicious:

  • Mix several ingredients such as sugar and ghee, stirring until mixed evenly.
  • Then add the eggs to the mixture and stir again until a little foam comes out. After that, add the wheat flour.
  • After all the ingredients are mixed well, cut the chocolate bar into small pieces and put them aside in a special bowl.
  • We take a little dough and shape it into a circular shape, then flatten it and add chocolate to it as a filling.
  • After shaping them into a round shape again, you can arrange them on the baking tray before baking.
  • Bake the cake at a temperature that is not too high, then take it out when the dough changes color.
  • Dip the cake in the melted chocolate, then wrap it in a box of chocolate sprinkles.
  • We leave it until it freezes, and the cake is ready to be served.

4. Rambutan Chocolate Cheese Cake Recipe

Rambutan cake is synonymous with chocolate sprinkles. However, there are also some people who want to replace it with sprinkled cheese. If you are also interested in making rambutan cake Topping Cheese, follow the Rambutan Cheese and Chocolate Cake recipe below:


  • 200 grams of biscuits
  • 1 can of sweetened condensed milk (chocolate)
  • 1 can sweetened condensed milk (white/vanilla)

material Topping:

  • 1 box of chocolate sprinkles
  • 70 grams of finely grated cheese

How to make chocolate and cheese rambutan cake:

  • Since this recipe doesn’t use wheat flour, you need to grind the biscuits first.
  • After that, add the white sweetened condensed milk to it and stir until the mixture is smooth.
  • We form the mixture into small balls, then dip them in sweetened condensed chocolate milk before covering them.
  • Once done, swirl the mixture into the bowl of sprinkles and cheese alternately.
  • Delicious chocolate cheesecakes ready to serve in a jar.

5. Typical Manado Rambutan Cake Recipe

This final recipe for rambutan cake is no less easy than the previous four recipes. Carefully observe the ingredients and method of making these delicious Mandonese Rambutan Cakes below:


  • 1 kilo wheat flour
  • 200 grams com. roombutter
  • 400 grams of butter
  • 100 grams of powdered sugar
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Vanilla to taste

material Topping:

  • Chocolate bar as desired (melt)
  • Chocolate sprinkles as desired

How to make a typical Manado Rambutan cake:

  • First grind several ingredients such as sugar, com. roombutterButter and vanilla, then stir using Blender.
  • After the ingredients are well mixed, add the eggs while continuing to stir slowly.
  • Add wheat flour to the dough, then knead until all ingredients are completely mixed together.
  • Form the dough into small balls, then do this step until the dough is finished.
  • We bake the cake dough in the oven, then wait until it is cooked.
  • Cool the cake for a few moments before placing it in the jar.

All these rambutan cake recipes can be done easily. So, you don’t need a lot of time and energy to prepare this delicious cake.

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