A easy Jabin bar recipe with other flavours, scrumptious and sentimental!

Gabin is a type of biscuit with a sweet and salty taste and a crunchy texture. Aside from eating it directly, jabin can also be made into a delicious and filling snack, one of which is jabin bar. There are currently many different Jabin bar creations and recipes that you can try.

Jabin bar is made from Jabin biscuits topped with soft cassava bar filling. This bar dish from Gabin is very suitable as a snack when relaxing. If you’re interested in trying it, check out how to make different jabin bar creations below.

A collection of delicious Gabin Bar recipes

Gabin bar is a classic snack with a delicious and crunchy taste. This snack is easy to prepare and goes well with coffee. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to prepare this snack, as the ingredients used are affordable.

The delicious taste combined with the sweetness of sprinkled sugar means that jabin can be made into various types of sweet snacks. Usually, people cook it in a simple way, which is mixing it with cassava ribbon. However, there are also those who want to experience Gabin with a different feel.

You can get creative with existing recipes by mixing several ingredients to produce delicious gabin. For example, a gabine bar is created with cheese or chocolate. Here are some Gabin’s bar creations that you can replicate at home.

1. Jabin Cheese Bar Recipe

So that you do not get bored of preparing cheese snacks that use ribbon filling, you can add cheese for a delicious and delicious taste. It is easy to cook and does not require special tools. Here’s how to make a delicious cheese gabin bar.

the required materials:

  • Crispy cheese of all brands
  • A quarter kilo of cassava strip
  • 5 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 5 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
  • 100 grams of grated cheese
  • Salt to taste
  • Oil for frying

How to make:

  • Mix the filling ingredients consisting of cassava ribbon, granulated sugar, sweetened condensed milk, salt and grated cheese.
  • We prepare the gaps, then fill it with the tape mixture that was made previously. Cover it with another cover on top, then cut it.
  • Fry until brown, then drain.
  • Gabin cheese bar is ready to serve.

2. Recipe for making a frozen Gabin bar

Currently, there are many types of frozen foods. Making a frozen jabis bar is a great idea. This recipe is very suitable for sale. For those who want to earn extra income, let’s learn how to make frozen gabine which can be used as a business idea frozen food contemporary.

the required materials:

  • 48 pieces of jabin
  • Half a kilogram of cassava strip
  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • 2 The bag SKM
  • 8-10 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of salt, or it can be replaced with 50 grams of grated cheese

How to make:

  • Remove the strip wick, then steam for 15 minutes over medium-low heat. Then remove and set aside.
  • First toast the wheat flour for 10 minutes until it becomes fragrant and lasts for a long time.
  • Place the steamed tape, sweetened condensed milk, granulated sugar, and toasted wheat flour in a bowl. Then, stir until evenly mixed and adjust the smoothness of the tape.
  • Add a little salt, then stir again until the ingredients are mixed evenly.
  • Take one piece of Gabin, fill it with a tablespoon of VLA tape that has been made, then stack it with other pieces of Gabin until it forms like a sandwich.
  • Press and trim sides.
  • To make frozen food, store the unfried cheesecake in the freezer, this cheesecake will last up to 3 months.
  • If you want to fry them, cook them over low heat so that the jabin does not burn easily.

3. Baked Jabin Bar Recipe

If you want to enjoy Gabin’s Bar snacks but without frying them, you can try making baked Gabin’s Bar. The taste is no less delicious than other processed gin bar. Here’s how to make it.

the required materials:

  • 1 box of sweet gabin
  • 200 grams of tape that has been smoothed and the wick removed
  • 7 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk
  • ½ teaspoon vanilla powder
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tablespoons cranberries, then chopped

How to make:

  • Mix all ingredients used.
  • Fill the two bowls with 1 tablespoon of the milk bar that was made
  • Stack with other pieces of gabbin, then trim.
  • Arrange them on a baking tray, then bake the cheese for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Grilled Gabin Bar is ready to serve.

4. Gabin’s Chocolate Bar Recipe

This processed cheesecake recipe goes well with chocolate. This type of snack is sure to be really loved by kids. It is very easy to prepare, it tastes sweet, sticky and melting.

the required materials:

  • 14 pieces of jabin
  • A quarter kilo of sweet cassava strip
  • 1 sachet of SKM
  • 2 tablespoons wheat flour
  • Grated DCC can also be replaced with chocolate chips

How to make:

  • Get rid of the wick on the tape, then grind it.
  • Add SKM and wheat flour.
  • Fill the gabin with the prepared cassava strip filling, then add the grated chocolate.
  • Close the forehead with another piece of cloth, then iron the sides.
  • Prepare a frying pan, then fry the cheese over medium heat for a few minutes.
  • Don’t forget to turn it, but only turn it once so that the gabain doesn’t absorb too much oil.
  • Fry until brown, then drain.
  • Gabin chocolate bar is ready to serve.
  • For one recipe, it can produce 7 pieces of chocolate bar.

Some tips, to make this chocolate gabin bar, adjust the amount of sugar, flour and SKM according to taste and water content of the bar used. Do not let the dough become too soft so that it does not crumble when frying, and make sure that the oil used for frying is hot enough.

5. Jabin Milk Cheese Bar Recipe

For those who want to enjoy Gabin’s bar snacks with a different feel, you can create your own recipe. For example, by adding cheese and milk to make the cheese bar richer in taste.

Ingredients needed to make a milk cheese bar:


  • A quarter kilo of wheat flour
  • 3 SKM bags
  • 150 grams of grated cheese
  • 1 box of vanilla
  • 5 tablespoons ghee
  • 3 egg yolks
  • Half a liter of air

Dyeing material:

  • 3 egg whites, then whisk them

How to make:

  • Mix all vanilla ingredients in a bowl except ghee and cheese. Then stir and filter.
  • Cook until half thick over low heat.
  • Add the cheese and ghee, then stir until they are evenly mixed and completely thick. Then cool.
  • Place the flan on the surface of the forehead, then cover it with another piece of forehead. Do this until two gaps are finished.
  • Place the flan-filled cheesecake in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes so that the milk is completely mixed in when frying.
  • Whip the egg whites as a glaze, then cover the cooled cheese. Make sure it is evenly coated.
  • Then fry over low heat until golden brown. After that, drain it.
  • Gabin Milk Cheese Bar is ready to serve.

Among the various references to Gabin’s bar recipes above, which one would you most like to make? So go ahead, apply it and make it a delicious and filling snack that can accompany relaxing time with your family.

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