Definition, benefits, types and example questions

Psychological tests are commonly administered to job applicants as a form of selection to screen the most suitable candidates. This test is applied in various companies, whether large or medium, or government agencies.

The function of psychological testing is to help companies learn about the nature and personality of job candidates or applicants, their intelligence abilities, interests and talents. To learn more about psychological tests, we’ll review them in full below with example questions.

What is psychological testing according to experts?

In general, psychological testing can be interpreted as a test used to measure the psychological aspects of an individual. It can therefore help determine an individual’s cognitive and emotional abilities. The types of tests offered can be written, projective or verbal.

Apart from the above definition, many experts also provide explanations regarding psychological tests with their opinions as follows:

1. Chaplin

According to Chaplin, psychological testing is a technique used to study an individual’s personality. The goal is to identify key traits, especially those that influence an individual’s predisposition to mental illness.

2. Dulay

Dulay stated that one way to know an individual’s competence regarding personal, educational and social issues is psychological testing. The application itself covers educational, social and industrial fields.

3. Anastasis

The definition and essence of psychological testing is an objective and standardized determination carried out on behavioral samples. A psychological test is a set of questions or tasks that must be answered and carried out in order to be able to present a certain psychological picture.

Benefits of psychological tests

Through several definitions clarified by experts, it can be concluded that psychological tests are useful for measuring and knowing a person’s condition. It includes intelligence or cognitive abilities, emotional abilities, talents, and interests. The benefits of psychological tests include:

1. Knowing the individual’s character and personality

One of the benefits of psychological testing is the ability to know an individual’s character and personality. Because knowing someone’s personality through observation or interviews is less effective. With psychological testing, it will be easier to know the personality of an individual.

2. It helps to understand individual psychodynamics

Psychodynamics relates to personality theories that help in analyzing the basics of an individual’s personality. This includes analysis that includes emotions and feelings in dealing with problems and is not limited to personality only.

3. Knowing the capabilities of individual intelligence

Psychological tests help measure intelligence or intelligence abilities. In this case, the psychological test consists of two measures: intelligence quotient, or IQ, and emotional and spiritual intelligence, or EQ. These two capabilities should be balanced.

4. Knowing the psychological state of the individual

One of the purposes of conducting psychological testing is to determine a person’s psychological state. Through psychological tests, it will help to determine whether an individual suffers from psychological disorders or not.

Types of psychological tests and examples

Basically, there are many types of psychological tests that are applied as a requirement and selection in employee screening and CPNS. For those who wish to undergo psychological testing, you should understand the various types of psychological tests below.

1. Logical-arithmetic psychological test

This type of psychological test is in the form of a series of numbers. Its function is to measure an individual’s ability to perform analysis of certain patterns and trends through a series of numbers. As well as problem-solving abilities.

The arithmetic-reasoning psychological test requires basic mathematical skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. The participant’s task is to find regularities in a series of numbers.

Example of a logical-arithmetic psychological test

1. 30, 25, 20, 15, =…

a. 5

B. 10

C. 15

Dr.. 20

Answer: b. 10

Each number is subtracted from 5 so that 15-5 = 10.

2. 7x + 3 = 38, what is the value of x?

a. 4

B. 6

C. 7

Dr.. 5

H. 8

Answer: 5

7 x 5 + 3 = 35 + 3 = 8

2. Psychological test of logical reasoning

Logical reasoning tests are presented in the form of narratives, a series of pictures, or two or three dimensions. Its function is to determine an individual’s ability to analyze and understand patterns and trends based on the questions asked.

Apart from this, the test also aims to measure an individual’s ability to think logically by searching for the truth according to reality or facts. This ability is really needed in types of activities that prioritize logical thinking.

Examples of psychological tests of logical reasoning:

All students taking the math test do not use calculators.

Some students taking the mathematics test wore batik costumes.


a. All students taking the mathematics test wear batik costume.

B. Meanwhile, students taking the mathematics test did not wear batik uniforms.

C. All students taking the mathematics test do not use calculators or wear batik uniforms.

Dr.. Some students taking the math test wore batik uniforms and did not use calculators.

H. Some students taking a math test use calculators and wear batik uniforms.

Answer: D. Some students taking the math test wore batik uniforms and did not use calculators.

All hospitals have an IGD department.

Some hospitals are maternity hospitals.


a. There are some maternity hospitals that do not have an IGD department.

B. All maternity hospitals must have an IGD department.

C. Some hospitals do not have an emergency department.

Dr.. All hospitals that do not have an IGD department are maternity hospitals.

Answer: b. All maternity hospitals must have an IGD department.

3. Psychological test of verbal measurement

This type of psychological test is usually presented in 40 questions with questions in the form of synonyms, antonyms and similes of words. Its function is to measure an individual’s logical ability to understand cause and effect relationships.

This type of test also aims to determine the extent to which an individual understands the relationship or connection between words. In this way, it can help measure the ability to understand problems.

Example of a verbal analogy test:

1. Land – train = air –…

a. boat

B. winds

C. Planes

Dr.. bird

Answer: C. Planes

2. Flying – bat = walking –…

a. fast

B. bee

C. bachelor

Dr.. Vocabulary

Answer: C. Lion

4. Kraepelin or Pauli psychological test

The Kraepelin test consists of a series of numbers arranged in columns. Test takers will be asked to add the closest two numbers within a certain period of time, then write the answer next to the number.

The function of the Kraepelin or Pauli psychological test is to measure an individual’s adaptability, accuracy, consistency, attitude to pressure, flexibility, and speed in completing tasks.

There are several differences between the Kraepelin test and the Pauli test:

Tess Kraepelin Tess Pauley
The direction of addition is from top to bottom The direction of addition is from bottom to top
There are 40 columns More columns
A4 or F4 size worksheet Worksheets are like newspapers
The working time limit is 20 minutes The time limit for work is 60 minutes

Tips for performing the Kraepelin or Pauli test are as follows:

  • Add each number calmly and carefully.
  • For tens results, type only units.
  • Ask questions until the time limit for one column runs out.
  • If there are instructions to move on, move immediately to the next column without having to complete the remaining unsolved questions. The goal is for the gap between the columns being worked on not to be too large as it will affect the emotional outcome.
  • Perform calculations calmly and confidently.

Example of Kraepelin or Pauli test:


5. Army Alpha Intelligence Test Tess Biscottis

This type of psychological test is a combination of series of numbers and shapes, and usually consists of 12 questions. One question is usually related to the previous question. Its function is to measure an individual’s ability to quickly understand instructions.

This test is actually very easy, but it requires quick thinking because the time allotted for it is very short. This is why test takers must be very careful and focused when working on the test questions, which is about 5 seconds per question.

How you take this psychological intelligence test really depends on the instructions provided, so you need to pay close attention.

Example of the Army Alpha IQ test:

Definition, benefits, types and example questions 2


Write the letter A outside the square but inside the triangle and circle. Then write the letter B inside the square but outside the triangle and circle.


Definition, benefits, types and example questions 3


6. Psychological test Drawing people or trees

The last psychological test is to draw a tree or a person. In this case, what is being judged is not the beauty of the image. In portraits of people, they should be depicted in a balanced and proportional manner with full body parts.

As for the picture of the tree that should be drawn, it is a cambium tree with leaves and branches, not a monocot tree like a coconut or a small plant. The purpose of the test is to determine an individual’s character and personality.

Testing the image of people in psychology

This type of psychological testing was first introduced in 1885 by Ebenezer Cook. Then the test was published in 1926 by Florence Goodenough, which is enough to know a person’s personality or personality. What is evaluated is the detail and proportion of the image.

Examples of assessments and grades on people drawing tests include:

  • Emphasizing lines when drawing a face is seen as someone lacking self-confidence.
  • Focusing on the line in the neck area is seen as a person with a strong character and great determination.
  • Images of hands in an open position are seen as an open person, and hands in pockets are seen as a person with a tendency towards social disorder.
  • Detailed images and accessories are seen as a disciplined person.
  • Small size is seen as an introverted person, so it is better to work behind a screen without having to meet many people.

The time required to take the person drawing test is usually about 10-15 minutes. It should be drawn in detail, balanced and proportionate, gender, profession, and expression.

Psychological test of the tree image

The psychological test of tree drawing is also known as Baum’s test. The test was first introduced in the 1950s by Dr. Charles (Karl) Koch, Swiss psychologist. The reason to use the test is that it is effective for children and adults.

Its function is almost the same as that of the People Drawing Test, i.e. as a supplementary test. The goal is to measure the extent to which an individual feels self-confident and responsible.

Just like the people drawing test, the time provided is 10-15 minutes. Tips to pay attention to are:

  • Draw a tree with branches and leaves with lines that are not too thick and not too thin.
  • Avoid repeating lines that indicate a feeling of doubt.
  • The position of the image should be in the middle of the paper and draw the tree perfectly, starting with the roots, trunk, leaves and branches.

Psychological testing is a technique often applied in selecting potential employees or employees in government agencies. One of the tips you can do to be able to take a psychological test correctly is to practice hard, be honest, and be precise.

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