Definition, objectives, structure, characteristics and examples

Persuasive speeches are one of the widely used types of speeches. How could this kind of speech not be made intentionally to convey something in front of many people? What is usually conveyed is information about a particular problem.

The issue is certainly relevant to the group of people who make up the public. This type of speech is usually used in activities in which many people participate. Therefore, more complete information regarding examples of persuasive speeches along with their structure and other relevant information is as follows.

Understanding persuasive speech

Definition, objectives, structure, characteristics and examples 2

Previously, you need to know that there are 4 types of speech, which are persuasive, interactive, argumentative and informative. Each type of speech has its own meaning. Specifically, persuasive speeches are speeches whose content is a call to do something.

This type of invitational speech is generally given as a result of the speech maker feeling uncomfortable about something, such that the speech maker wants to persuade or invite the audience to do something or make changes as desired.

For example, a person who gives a speech or delivers a speech is a manager. The principal of this school feels that the school community still does not pay enough attention to hygiene issues. If the school community is not reprimanded, the comfort and even health of the school community will automatically be disturbed.

That is why the school principal addressed the entire school community and called for attention to cleanliness. On this occasion, you can also convey the impact of not maintaining hygiene as well as the benefits of maintaining hygiene.

The purpose of a persuasive speech

Definition, objectives, structure, characteristics and examples 3

Generally, a speech is delivered for a specific purpose, and this has been mentioned in the definition above. However, for more details, you can pay attention to the following three points.

1. Change Tenjaban

In the real world, there are always groups of people with bad habits. One of the goals of this talk is to change these bad habits. In order for this goal to be achieved, the person delivering the speech, or the so-called orator, must be able to change the thinking of the audience.

The audience referred to in this case is the target community. Apart from that, the preacher must also call on the audience to change for the better. Examples of calls to preserve nature, keep the surrounding environment clean, and many more.

2. Response formation

The second goal is to form a response. This means that this speech is given with the aim of shaping the audience so that it is ready to respond. To achieve this goal, it is hoped that the audience will be willing to speak or actively respond to the speech.

To achieve this goal, the person giving the speech must be able to relate the topic being discussed to conditions currently occurring in society. Even if necessary, the person giving the speech uses the same terminology and language as the target community.

3. Enhance response

If the response is successfully elicited, the next step is to reinforce the response. This process aims to encourage and persuade the public to make changes accompanied by data or values ​​that are evolving in society.

Structure of persuasive speech

The structure of speech that aims to invite and influence others does not differ much from other types of speech, and is as follows:

  • Opening greeting
  • Greetings or expressions of respect that usually begin with the words “To the honorable” or “My respects”
  • A word of thanks can also be followed by salutations and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace
  • Content of the speech
  • Close

Language characteristics

This speech containing an invitation has its own linguistic characteristics that aim to attract the attention of the listeners. The linguistic characteristics are as follows.

  • The sentences are persuasive or have an inviting nature so that the audience wants to follow the desires of the person giving the speech.
  • It contains imperative sentences, imperative sentences, or request sentences
  • The content of the letter must be reasonable, have a very strong factual basis and must be supported by data from reliable sources

Examples of persuasive speeches

1. A persuasive speech about education

“First of all, I would like to thank you for the time and space you have given me. On this occasion, I will briefly touch on character education, hoping that our future generations from this upbringing will have noble personalities.

It cannot be denied that this nation is currently facing the problem of moral degeneration among teenagers. This problem is certainly very serious and we can see how many teenagers are affected by attitudes that ignore the values ​​and norms applied in society.

Unfortunately, schools nowadays seem to only prioritize learning outcomes in the form of grades, rather than making behavior and character the main criterion. This can be seen through the reduction in hours of PKN or Pancasila subjects and citizenship education.

So what do we need now? What we need is an example of moral education so that the problem of lack of morals among the younger generation can be solved.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the speech I gave. I sincerely apologize if any of my words offend you all.”

2. Persuasive speech about drugs

“I would like to touch briefly on drugs on this occasion. Aside from the decline of morals, drugs are also a problem that receives a lot of attention. There are still many people who have the ability to abuse it.

Anyone, especially young people, should avoid this medication. Because just getting a little closer will make us fall into a hole that will certainly be psychologically and physically torturous.

This is because drugs are addictive substances that make the user’s body continue to demand them after tasting them, even if just a little. Although this does not mean that the user’s body is actually thinking about it.

But it is these illicit drugs that manipulate the user’s body to continue consuming them. In other words, the user’s body will be tricked and influenced, so that the user will continue to take this useless drug.

Unfortunately, it will not only be the consumer who will become the victim, but also the people closest to him who actually care about him. Drugs will make users able to scream and hurt the people closest to them.

Enough victims are using drugs and are probably still involved today. This is evidence that once we get close to drugs, it will be difficult for us to get out.

So, let’s take care of ourselves, take care of our families, and take care of the people we love to stay away from this illegal thing.

3. A persuasive speech about the environment

“The environment is something that we must protect because our lives depend greatly on the environment. Apart from sustainability issues, the cleanliness of the environment is also something that must be pursued. The reason is that maintaining a clean environment will have a very good effect on health.

A clean environment will certainly reduce the spread of disease and can also create a feeling of comfort when you are in it. Including in the school environment. We must also maintain and clean the school environment regularly.

Because, apart from health factors, a clean environment will make the teaching and learning process more comfortable and smoother and can lead to better results. Of course, the cleanliness of the school environment will be maintained thanks to the cooperation of the school community

So don’t leave this cleaning issue to just one party, but let’s do it together. Just start with small things, for example, throwing garbage in the right place. So, from now on, don’t just throw away garbage.

Don’t leave trash in the drawers either. Because although it will make the classroom look clean, it can become a mosquito nest and may cause a bad smell. Let us cultivate a culture of clean living.

“Wear clean clothes, be sure to take a clean shower before leaving, do line pickets properly and don’t litter.”

4. Persuasive speech about health

“There are always risks to health. In fact, for some time now, the whole world has been shocked by the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus, which has been claiming victims every day.

As a result of the spread of this deadly virus, it is undeniable that we are witnessing huge changes regarding our way of life. But it cannot be denied, every day there is always a feeling of anxiety about contracting the virus after coming into contact with other people.

In this golden opportunity, of course I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the health workers who fought to save society, and even tried to protect society from this virus.

Health workers struggle with other elements to carry out their duties every day, and they are most at risk of contracting the virus. Not only health workers, I also thank people who want to stay at home during the pandemic.

Although staying at home is not fun, thanks to this measure we have succeeded in stopping the spread of the virus and saving many lives. This shows that we should always work together and work together to maintain health.

At the moment, our condition has actually improved. But our duty to maintain health does not stop here, especially those related to hygiene. May God bless you and keep you in good health so that we can carry out our activities as usual.”

5. A short persuasive speech about hygiene

“Ladies and gentlemen, as we already know, river water is still something that our society really needs, especially those who live around rivers. This water is often used as a place to defecate, as a place to bathe, and even as a place to wash clothes.

Rivers have different functions, and therefore we must reduce actions that can pollute rivers, for example by not throwing garbage into rivers. Any waste is included in household waste.

Aside from their negative impact on health, dirty rivers can also cause other disasters. For example, flood events. Garbage thrown into rivers can obstruct the flow of river water.

If the river is blocked and can no longer absorb the water entering it, this water will overflow and eventually lead to a flood. Of course, efforts to keep the river environment clean are not just one person’s task, but everyone’s task.

“Let us work together to keep the rivers clean and healthy because this river is part of the environment that must be treated well.”

how? Do you understand more about this type of speech? After that, you can try to create your own speech text and you can pay attention to the above examples to get inspiration.

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