How to Check NISN for Kemdikbud Students Online Using NIK 2023

The National Student Identity Number or NISN is a student identification number that is valid at all times. This number is given to all students who are enrolled in the school and have an NPSN. How to check NISN number is now easier because it can be accessed online via the website.

The provided NISN can differentiate between one student and other students all over Indonesia. The NISN management system is comprehensively implemented by PDSPK as part of the Dapodik Program of the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud).

Students’ NISN submission results will be openly displayed on the Ministry of Education and Culture website. This number is really needed in the education process in Indonesia, for example school registration, national examinations, school operating assistance (BOS), and even university registration.

Definition of NISN

How to Check NISN for Kemdikbud Students Online Using NIK 2023 2

NISN is a standard student identification code that is unique and valid forever. This code is different for every student who goes to school in Indonesia. NISN is issued to all students who are registered with Dapodik and must be equipped with NIK according to the data in Central Dukcapil.

Students will receive the NISN when they are in Kindergarten (TK) and it will be valid throughout their lives. The number format consists of 10 digits, which is CCCDDDDDDD. CCC is the last 3 digits of the student’s year of birth.

Meanwhile, the next seven numbers are different random numbers. However, if there are students who already have a NISN number but the first three digits do not match their year of birth, this number is considered still valid. This number can be changed later in the system to be corrected again.

How to check NISN online

How to Check NISN for Kemdikbud Students Online Using NIK 2023 3

The national student number is very necessary during education. However, many students do not know or even forget their NISN number. Therefore, the government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, facilitates the search process because it lists them on the official website.

How to Check NISN Number It can be done online using various electronic devices connected to the Internet, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This examination uses students’ personal data.

So make sure to save data such as full name, location, date of birth, and mother’s name. Aside from that, if you want help verifying someone else’s property, ask them to provide this data. So, here are the steps to find your student’s NISN number:

1. Open the Ministry of Education and Culture website

All NISN data are registered and can be viewed via the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture. So, the first thing you need to do is open the site by pressing the enter button so that the page opens immediately.

Make sure that the Internet connected to your electronic device is in good condition, so that the data transfer process occurs faster and does not take long. However, if the signal is not smooth, the data recovery process will also be slow.

2. Write the student’s full name

After opening the NISN search page, you will see a form that must be filled out. In the first column, you must enter your full name as it appears on the birth certificate. Pay attention to what is written letter by letter so that there are no misspellings or typos.

Apart from that, avoid entering nicknames or abbreviated names. This is because the database at the Ministry of Education and Culture uses students’ full names. If you do not use this name, the NISN cannot be found or is invalid.

3. Write the place and date of birth

Aside from names, errors that often occur when entering data are place and date of birth. You must also fill in this column according to the data in the birth certificate and family card. Note that the Place and Date of Birth columns are created separately.

Therefore, enter the data separately. The purpose of entering the date of birth is to search for the correct student data, because similar names are often found, which makes the search process difficult. If you are wrong, then repeat the data typing.

4. Write the name of the birth mother

In the next column, you are asked to enter the name of the biological mother. In general, every official registration always requires parental data. So, make sure you type or write the mother’s name correctly as it appears in the KTP.

In this case, the NISN verification form provides only the mother’s name. This means that students do not need to enter their biological father’s name. Apart from that, avoid entering your mother’s surname as the system will not read it. Therefore, it must be the full name of the student’s biological mother.

5. Perform self-verification

After filling out all the columns in the form, you can check yourself. The goal is to ensure that the person who opens and fills out data on the site is a human and not a robot. This verification is also intended to avoid misuse of data.

The verification method is very easy, it is simply by checking a box next to the sentence “I am not a robot” or in Indonesian “I am not a robot”. Wait until the box contains a check mark or check mark.

6. Search for data

The last thing you need to do to search for a NISN is click on “Search Data” located at the bottom of the form. After that, the search results will appear on the screen page related to the student’s data. Starting with NISN, full name, place of birth, gender, and active status.

The active status indicated is to know the current status of the students, are they still active in the educational module or not. Please note that results will be obtained if all data entered is complete and correct. If not, the NISN research results will not be successful.

Purpose of providing NISN

The government provides a code to every student which certainly has a specific purpose. This goal cannot be separated from its future use, which makes it easier for each student to identify. There are several purposes for providing a unique code known as a NISN, including:

1. Makes identification easier

The number of schools in Indonesia is very large, which is directly proportional to the number of students. Therefore, a specific tool or parameter is needed to identify students. The identification process will be carried out continuously and continuously.

2. Implementing an online management system

The purpose of providing national student ID numbers is to implement an online and centralized student data management system. This management is integrated and technology-based, and is implemented by school work units, the Regional Office for Education and the Ministry of Education and Culture.

3. Dapodic software support

The provision of NISN to each student also supports the Basic Education Data System (Dapodik) which produces educational statistics and planning from school to central level. This number will be used during National Examinations, School Operational Assistance (BOS), and PIP.

Every student who has a NISN number should know it and even memorize it. This is because it has many functions and purposes in the field of education. Currently, NISN examinations can be performed quickly and easily by accessing the official website of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

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