8 characteristics of fairy tales complete with structure and genres

Fairy tales are a form of narrative story that has been around since ancient times. In general, fairy tales have a short and simple plot. Apart from that, what are the other characteristics of fairy tales?

Some fairy tales tend to talk about meaningless events. However, behind the story is always a moral message and valuable life values.

However, do you know what a fairy tale is and what its characteristics are? Come on, read the discussion below to explore more about this fairy tale!

Understanding fairy tales

8 characteristics of fairy tales complete with structure and genres 2

Based on the KBBI, fairy tales can be defined as stories that did not happen in reality, especially those containing strange events or events from the past.

As we know, fairy tales tell stories from ancient times that contain miracles and tend toward absurdity. Although they are full of fantastical elements, fairy tales contain a message that is deep and relevant to life.

For a long time, fairy tales have been an important part of human cultural heritage. In fact, it has been told by generation after generation as a form of entertainment, a way to transmit certain values, and expand understanding of the world around them.

On the other hand, fairy tales also serve as a means of teaching children’s character in childhood. Naturally, the moral message that is hidden will form positive values ​​in them from an early age.

Features of stories

8 characteristics of fairy tales complete with structure and genres 3

After knowing the meaning of fairy tales, it is also important to understand the characteristics of fairy tales to distinguish them from other types of stories. Characteristics of fictional texts include:

1. Oral presentation

In ancient times, fairy tales were transmitted orally, orally. Over time, this folklore has become increasingly popular and is passed down from generation to generation.

Usually, storytellers use special words and special tones, to attract the listener’s attention and create a magical atmosphere. So that the story seems lively and interesting.

2. Fictitious or imaginary

Fairy tales are imaginary stories that arise from the imagination of the author or storyteller. It has a logic different from human logic, thus creating a unique world.

The characters involved in fictional stories mostly exist only in the author’s imagination and do not exist in real life. Including captured settings, which are often different from the real world.

3. Short and simple flow

Another characteristic of fairy tales is that they have a short and simple plot. Stories often follow an easy-to-follow pattern, with a standard beginning, middle, and end.

Not only that, fairy tales have a patterned and simple narrative form, so that the sequence of events in the story can be easily read and understood by readers of different ages.

4. The description is not detailed

In fairy tales, characters are often described with strong adjectives but without much detail. The focus of storytelling is on events and events, not on exploring complex characters.

In fact, not every character in the fairy tale is explained in detail regarding their nature or characteristics. This gives storytellers the freedom to imagine themselves.

5. Anonymous

There are many fairy tales whose authors are not known with certainty. They developed as part of a community’s oral traditions and often became common property.

However, this fairy tale still exists and is very popular in society, especially among children. In fact, the moral message implied may also be well received.

6. Sample opening sentence

Aside from having a special plot pattern, fairy tales also have a distinctive opening sentence pattern. For example, the story begins with “In ancient times…” or “Once upon a time…” or “Once upon a time…”

These sentences are able to create a special atmosphere and transport listeners to a fantasy world full of imagination, allowing them to become involved in the story.

7. He has a job

The presence of function is also the main feature of the fairy tale. Functions of fairy tales include as a means of education, social protest, or simply entertainment.

Apart from this, fairy tales can also help develop language skills and imagination in children. They learn to recognize new words, how to speak, and visualize imagination in their minds.

8. It contains a moral message

One of the most prominent characteristics of fairy tales is the moral message they present. These stories often convey values ​​such as kindness, patience, courage, and compassion.

The purpose of this moral message is to provide valuable lessons to the listeners or readers. This way, they can learn from the message conveyed.

Elements in fairy tales

As one of the most personal forms of stories, fairy tales also contain elements that create richness and appeal. Here is a more complete explanation of the elements in the fairy tale:

1. He

The theme is the basic or main idea that forms the basis of a fairy tale. In stories, there are two types of themes that are commonly used, namely implicit and explicit stories.

Implicit stories contain stories that are not directly written, while explicit stories explain something more directly and clearly.

2. Characters

Characters are actors or characters who play a role in the story. Each fairy tale has different characters and they participate in developing the story.

The characters depicted in fairy tales are very diverse, such as princes, princesses, heroes, fairies, witches, anthropomorphic animals, etc.

3. Characterization

Apart from being included in the characteristics of fairy tales, characterization is also an important element of fairy tales. In general, characterization refers to describing a character’s personality.

Although characterization in fairy tales is not very detailed, characters have characteristics and traits that readers or listeners can recognize.

4. Flow

Plot is a series of events or events in a fictional story. In plot, the story follows development from beginning to end, forming an organized story pattern.

The plot of the fairy tale is shorter and simpler. Therefore, the events of the story are easier to understand and accept by the listeners.

5. Background

Setting in a literary work is a description of the time, atmosphere, and place in which the events of the story occur. Its job is to provide context and create atmosphere for the story.

With time, place and atmosphere depicted in detail, it is easier for readers to understand the events in the fairy tale.

6. Point of view

Point of view is an important part of a fairy tale. Because this essential element determines the narrative perspective that the author uses to convey the story.

Fairy tales can be told from the first-person perspective (as the main character), second-person (as a listener or reader invited to interact), or third-person (as an outside observer).

7. Delegation

A message is a moral message or advice that the author wants to convey to his readers. This message is closely related to the theme of the story and is intended to provide guidance about life.

Generally, the moral message is placed at the end of the story as a conclusion. The hope is that listeners can benefit from the story and become better individuals.

The structure of the fairy tale text

After learning about the characteristics and elements of fairy tales, understanding the structure of fairy tales is equally important to ensure that the story can be told well.

The structure of the text of the fairy tale includes:

1 Introduction

The first part of the structure of a fairy tale is the introduction. The introduction is the beginning of the story which provides a brief overview of the general content of the story.

With this introduction, we can learn about the atmosphere and context of the story before it takes us to the main events that will take place in the fairy tale.

2. Contents of the event

Moreover, event content is the basic part of the story that describes events in sequence. Content is the main and most important part of the text of a fairy tale.

Here, the main plot and conflict develop to become more complex as it involves the characters in different events that make up the plot of the story.

3. Closing

The ending is the end of the story, where the major problems facing the characters are usually resolved or solved.

Aside from that, the ending also serves to provide a summary of the moral message to be conveyed in the fairy tale, as well as to leave a strong impression on the reader or listener.

Types of stories

There are different types of fairy tales that are part of folklore in different cultures. Here are several types of fairy tales that are often encountered with illustrations:

1. Myth

Fables are a type of fictional stories that present animals or other creatures as main characters. Fairy tales usually provide moral lessons through the behavior of the characters.

Myths make animal characters appear to have human-like behavior, such as dancing, walking, running, talking, etc.

Examples of famous stories from fables are the story of the rabbit and the tortoise, the story of the elephant and the ant, the ugly duckling, the clever mouse-deer and the crocodile, the ant and the grasshopper, the horse in the tiger’s skin, etc.

2. Wise

Sage is a type of fairy tale that tells about the lives and achievements of heroic figures or great kings from the past. They are described as characters with supernatural powers, kindness, courage, and heroism.

Characteristics of fairy tales of the sage genre usually blend elements of history and fantasy. Some famous sages in Indonesia are Siong Wanara, Erlangga, Jaka Tengkir, etc.

3. The legend

The next type of folk tale is the myth, which is also known as the folk tale. This fairy tale has a unique educational concept so it is easy to accept.

Although locals believe this legend actually happened, the story is not considered sacred. Examples include the Sangkuriang Legend, the Banyuwangi Legend, and the Lake Toba Legend.

4. Superstitions

A myth or legend is a type of fictional story that tells about events believed by local people. Usually, myths tell about the lives of gods, goddesses and spirits.

Myths have the distinct characteristics of fairy tales and tend to be scary compared to other genres. For example, the legends about Nyi Ruru Kidul, Joko Tarup, Dewi Sri, etc.

5. The proverb

Proverbs differ from other types of fairy tales, in that they tell stories that contain didactic values, whether moral teaching, religious values, or general truths that are implicitly conveyed.

In fact, there are quite a few proverbs that only tell short stories, but they contain a very deeper and powerful message and meaning. Some famous proverbs include Malin Kundang and Bawang Merah Bawang Putih.

This is a discussion about the meaning of fairy tales, their elements, structure and types. Fairy tales are part of people’s culture and are interesting to discuss and worth developing.

Knowing the characteristics of fairy tales also makes it easier for us to distinguish them from other types of stories. Naturally, each story also carries a valuable moral message for its readers.

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