4 Vegetable Ketupat Recipes for Eid (Chayote, Rooster, and so forth.)

Eid is synonymous with different kinds of special dishes, which makes the atmosphere even more nostalgic, especially for immigrants. One of the most requested dishes during Eid is of course the vegetable ketupat. Moreover, with a variety of Vegetable Ketupat Recipes and many menu options available.

The vegetable ketup itself is usually made with a delicious coconut milk sauce with the addition of vegetables, meat, eggs and other ingredients so it can be seasoned to taste. To prepare for Eid, here are some recipes for preparing delicious ketupat vegetables that you can try at home.

Various Vegetable Eid Ketubat Recipes

Basically, there are many menu creations that use coconut milk that can be used as a vegetarian accompaniment to Eid ketupat. For those who don’t like coconut milk, you can make vegetable keto without coconut milk by adding coconut, which will make the taste even more delicious.

The vegetable dish ketupat itself is one of the mandatory dishes common during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha celebrations. For those of you who are still confused about what vegetables to cook for Eid this year, please see the special collection of recipes below.

1. Betawi Chayut Vegetable Ketupat Recipe

The first is the Betawi Vegetable Chayut Ketupat which is delicious and flavorful. Using simple ingredients, you can turn it into a delicious dish. Here is a recipe for chayote ketupat vegetable seasoning that you can try:


material dose
A medium-sized Siamese squash 3 pieces
potato ¼ kg
Long beans 8 sheets
Boiled eggs and tofu According to taste
if 2 panels
Galangal 1 large slice
Lemon grass 2 children
Peace leaves 4 sheets
Lemon leaves 2 sheets
Brown sugar 3 tablespoons
Coconut milk (thick and thin) 2 coconuts
Vegetable oil 100 ml
Young Melingo leaves 50 grams
Garam 2 tablespoons
Broth powder enough
Fried onions enough
air enough

Diluted spices:

Spices dose
garlic 5 cloves
Red onion 15 cloves
Large red hot pepper (sliced) 8 pieces
Red cayenne pepper 12 pieces
Roasted candles 5 items
Roasted turmeric 1 street
Roasted ginger 1 street
Ebi or grilled shrimp paste 1 teaspoon
Lada 1 teaspoon
Kasbra 1 teaspoon

How to make:

  1. Peel the chayote, cut it lengthwise into matchsticks, then sprinkle with salt. Squeeze until wilted, then rinse until clean.
  2. Prepare the hot oil and stir all the ground spices until fragrant.
  3. Add bay leaves, lemongrass leaves, galangal, pitai and lemongrass, stirring.
  4. Add the large slices of hot pepper and stir until wilted.
  5. Add the epi and stir until mixed, turn off the stove.
  6. Cook the liquid coconut milk in a pan until it boils and then add the cooked spices.
  7. Add the chayote slices, long beans, melengo leaves, hard-boiled eggs, and tofu.
  8. Add thick coconut milk, salt, stock powder and sugar and cook until done.
  9. Check the taste, if it is good you can remove it and serve by adding a sprinkle of fried onions.

2. Chicken Ketupat with Vegetables Recipe

One of the most favorite menu staples during Eid is Ubur Chicken. This typical Indonesian menu offers a special taste to anyone who tastes it. Here is a delicious Eid chicken or vegetable ketupat recipe:


material dose
Village chicken 1 tail cut into 6 – 8
Thick coconut milk 250 ml
Peace leaves 2 sheets
Lemon leaves 2 sheets
Lemon grass 1 child
frying oil enough
salt and sugar enough
air enough

Diluted spices:

material dose
Red onion 10 cloves
garlic 4 cloves
Candlenut 5 items
Galangal 1 iris
turmeric 1 street
Kasbra 1 teaspoon

How to make:

  1. Grind all the spices, then bring hot oil and fry until the aroma comes out. Add lemongrass, lemon leaves, and bay leaves.
  2. Add the chicken pieces and water, and cook until the meat is cooked and soft.
  3. Add salt and sugar to taste, then add the prepared thick coconut milk.
  4. Cook until boiling and taste.
  5. If it’s okay, you can remove it right away.
  6. Serve sprinkled with fried onions.

3. Padang Ketupat Vegetable Recipe

Padang vegetables are known for their delicious taste so they are very suitable for Eid dishes. Not only are they delicious when eaten with a bowl of warm rice, padang vegetables are also delicious when eaten with ketupat. Here is a delicious authentic Padang Vegetable Ketupat recipe.


material dose
Cut the meat into pieces 200 grams
Vegetarian jackfruit 100 grams
Boiled eggs and fried tofu According to taste
Bean 150 grams
Thick coconut milk and water enough
Lemon grass 1 child
Lemon leaves 3 sheets
Peace papers 2 sheets
Galangal 2 iris
Vegetable oil enough
Salt, sugar and stock powder enough

Diluted spices:

Spices dose
Red onion 12 cloves
garlic 6 cloves
ginger 1 section bruised
turmeric 1 street
Curly red pepper 8 pieces
Candlenut 3 items

How to make:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients and grind the spices, then fry them until fragrant.
  2. Add the bay leaves, lemon leaves, and lemon grass, and stir until evenly mixed.
  3. Add the meat pieces, then stir again.
  4. Add the coconut milk and a little water, then stir again until all the spices are evenly mixed.
  5. Add salt, sugar and leaf powder to taste.
  6. Add the small jackfruit pieces and cook until slightly soft.
  7. Finally, add the beans, fried tofu, and hard-boiled eggs.
  8. Cook until done and check the taste, if it is right you can turn off the fire.
  9. Serve sprinkled with fried onions, crackers or potato chips.

4. Vegetable, potato and shrimp recipe

If you are still not satisfied with the previous three recipes, there is no harm in trying this vegetable with potatoes and shrimp recipe for a delicious meal during Eid. For more details, here is a recipe and method for making potato vegetables with ketobat that you can try:


material dose
Large potatoes 3 pieces
Fresh peeled shrimp ¼ kg
Thick coconut milk 200 ml
if 1 plate
Peace leaves 2 sheets
Lemon leaves 2 sheets
Lemon grass 1 child
Galangal 2 iris
Sugar and salt enough
frying oil enough

Diluted spices:

Spices dose
Red onion 8 cloves
garlic 3 cloves
Candlenut 3 items
turmeric 1 street
ginger 1 street
Chili pepper

(chopped or mashed)

According to taste

How to make:

  1. Grind all the spices and fry in hot oil until fragrant.
  2. Add bay leaves, lemon leaves, lemongrass, galangal and add water.
  3. Add potatoes and shrimp and cook until half cooked.
  4. Pour in the coconut milk, stir so that it does not break down and cook until completely cooked.
  5. Add sugar and salt as desired, then adjust the taste.
  6. If it fits well on the tongue, you can remove it immediately.
  7. Serve with more fried onions and chips or crackers.

You can try all the ketupat vegetable recipes above for dishes during the Eid holidays. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same, because you can create all the menus according to your taste. You can add other ingredients such as beef or even fish if you like.

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